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Mr Torchey

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About Mr Torchey

  • Birthday 09/01/1970

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  1. jesus dude my stomach was in my mouth for a minute..........
  2. Jan 2011 still cant believe how much snow we had, the good ole days
  3. I miss turning on the flood lights watching the kids sled, walking out on the deck listening to the powder crunch under foot, taking deep breaths of arctic air, hopefully those times are around the corner.
  4. tough leaving south carolina yesterday, coeds running down the beach half naked in late november FTW

  5. Nice to see you made it back North without doing jail time

  6. can i play chips on your forearm hair?

  7. 18k posts thats impressive Scott! Should be a great game Sunday, good luck.

  8. No Piggly Wiggly in these parts.. Hey look who is below me. 4dvar

  9. piggly wiggly rocks!

  10. Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through, like an old sweet song..............You are a lucky man, heading home to SOuth Carolina for two weeks in August, cant wat to get to the beach

  11. You never call Anymore :(

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