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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. I will have to be sure that I am in the Adirondacks at that time. Mud season. Yay.
  2. Main = another world this time of year: http://maine-webcams.com/
  3. Really? I think I only saw 2 posts from her. She's already out?
  4. ...50's and a chilly rain, with mosquito talk. Yup, Spring has arrived.
  5. Stay prepared, and be safe.
  6. What the hell does that even translate as in non-weather-geek language?
  7. That's more than what I picked up last night for sure.
  8. You know, and I know, and we all know what I am talking about. I only pick the forecasts that I know will be correct and run with those. It makes life simpler.
  9. What is LC? Liquid Crystal? lol. Seriously. This sh*t is still going on. Anyone who takes one weenies forecast verbatim and holds on to said weather forecast as fact / gospel and then gets upset when it does not work out as noted as such has issues.
  10. When it's over...it's over.
  11. Yup. Today is one of those days. Saw a car load of dudes and one guy in the back had the arm dangling out. ..long hair and a mustache. The epitome of that imagery.
  12. I thought it was going to be in the 60's today....It's only 43.
  13. I grew up in upstate NY ...literally on the south side of the pike just over the border from Mass. Close enough to throw rocks from my brothers bedroom window on to I-90. Of course we didnt though. Anyway. I dont remember the 80s being that bad there.
  14. Time to fire up the blizzard bus?
  15. Yeah. Hopefully a Slow and easy melt season.
  16. Winter weather in SNE ended last weekend. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming.
  17. lol. Maybe next December because it couldn't have been this December. Me and Steve had a whopping half inch or so.
  18. lolz. I forgot about that guy.
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