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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. ....I guess your station is out. Just found out today. No snow monster for us.
  2. It's probably pretty similar to the 2 near me and Steve. Not exactly a bargain when it comes to drinks. I probably exaggerated, but the prices are not great, especially for a prolonged gathering where the thirst is real. This is probably where we would go at MGM Springfield. They don't give beer prices, just the price to upgrade beers to larger sizes. Not sure why they don't give a base price, but you can at least see the beer list. https://mgmspringfield.mgmresorts.com/en/restaurants/tap-sports-bar.html
  3. $9.00 Bud lites, and $12.00 craft beers?
  4. The weather at Windham airport is only indicative of people who live in that immediate vicinity. Go East, north, south, west even 5-10 miles and it can be noticeably different.
  5. Lol. Sounds like music from the movie "Requiem For A Dream". If You're going to go dramatic that is THE go to modern score to use.
  6. Full leaf out = leaves, fully developed and "out". This does not include the Toronto Maple Leafs which are already dropped, mulched, and earth food at this point.
  7. Manchester for our Public Works Open House. (maybe it was a lie)
  8. Is better than 50's and low 60's and damp for 2 months followed by 89 and heavy dews. Has been a decent spring in my hood thus far.
  9. I just heard that Ryan will be at my work with the snow monster truck in May.
  10. I am thinking we can probably squeeze in a gtg before full-on summer hits and people head out to bask in the HHH wearing banana hammocks, wife beaters, flip flops, straw hats, and buckets of lotion, all while dragging their knuckles and coolers full of brews to the local beach or park.
  11. Did I hear correct that streets in Boston flooded pretty bad overnight?
  12. I don't think it's been that bad. looks like we get a few good days followed by some sh*t days then a decent weekend.
  13. I was in Bristol, R.I. last night and the fog literally rolled in while I was walking around. Was mysterious and creepy.
  14. Great way to lose your machine.
  15. How close do you live to where those pics were taken?
  16. Are we serious here? Does anyone think that an off the cuff comment about flooding, and then floating down the river is a true, credible threat? Has the skin on people become thinner than that of single ply toilet paper (in the middle of a high humid day) where they actually feel like such an innocuous comment is threatening?
  17. April tan..lol. setting up that base so that you can sip 'ritas around the pool or down at Watch Hill with Taylor Swift all summer now that you are retired?
  18. Yeah. I noticed a bit of red on my dome last night. Have to be careful not to leave my skull skin exposed too much.
  19. lol. I've been out of touch from the forum for a few days. What a strange turn of events with the discussions here now that winter weather is officially dead. Cathedral talk, the negatives of (one) religion, and the end of the universe as we know it all rolled into a nice few pages on a weather forum. For those interested, here is how it will all end:
  20. Lol. Summer basement dweller. That sucks. South facing room with zero shade blows.
  21. In case it snows later it's ready to go.
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