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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Not much to really say here. This winter was an abysmal wet mess, best to be forgotten. The grades (all items are equally weighted) Overall Seasonal Snowfall: F Well under average snow fell. This may have been my worst snowfall ever in any of the places I have lived (Albany, NY area, Lake George area, Bristol, R.I., Washington DC, Arlington, VA, Boston, Ma, Stoughton, MA, Brooklyn, CT) . I don't think I have ever had a winter season where the snow total was less than half of the average. Even the 2011/2012 had more snow. Snow vs. Rain: D+ Such an ongoing sh.itty set up for my area from January onward, and it seemed to just repeat itself all season. Cold rain was king. Staying power of the pack: F Pack? Local winter enjoyment: D- Limited hikes(w/ snow) hikes or snow, and zero snow shoeing hikes. Temperature: D Snow Storm Quality: C- Only one "memorable" event was the first event of the season, December 1-3. There were ZERO double digit events. Overall Grade: F The Vid took my mind off of the later part of the season, but even a late blooming April event couldn't save what was a complete and utter dead rat of a winter. On to the upcoming 2020/2021, Winter of Mask
  2. Does anyone here belong to this forum? I just happened to see it when I was doing a search. Sounds hardcore with no room for lurkers. https://wxdisco.com/
  3. Yeah, that's about right. I am awful with the heat. Awful. But yeah, the dehumidifying makes all the difference in the world. But I don't even have AC at my sh.it-a.ss apartment.
  4. Why not no shirt and a banana hammock? Get a head start on the Memorial day weekend.
  5. Didn't you used to live in the mid Atlantic region?
  6. That there is a nice stretch incoming.
  7. How many days / months / years in a row has it been now with significant breezes?
  8. The worst. That short black fly period in the Adirondacks is unbearable.
  9. Not one drop of rain this week, even though the rain dancers were touting it last week.
  10. Indeed. Looks like a chart and graph fail on the rains, although it would be nice to get a wee bit of wet sometime.
  11. How do you remember what this coming week was like 15 year ago? Only Will can do that? If we had days like today for the next 3 months I would be happy.
  12. Yeah. I guess we will see. ...Believe in the charts, and graphs.
  13. If we couldn't have a winter of yore, we may have the next best thing with one of those old fashioned May's of yore.
  14. ...Do we know how many days over the past 8 weeks or so have had significant breezes or wind? It seems like it has been windy forever . Yes, forever. Enough of the f.ucking wind. Thanks in advance.
  15. Yes. You are one of the few.
  16. Fine if you are in the pool, but outside of that just utter suffering, especially outside of the ac. Kev lives inside a cooler so he never deals with the dews...cool house...to cool car...to cool office/ client... back home to cool house (maybe a stop at a cool brewery on the way)...rinse and repeat.
  17. No. You and probably 2 others like dews.
  18. Was that 14' in Maine the max snow from this system? Pretty impressive for going into mid-May.
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