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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Those vids and pics from NYC and N.J. are crazy. What a night for many. I think think Alexander's lake where I am staying rose about 6-8" overnight.
  2. lol. Funny, but that water be N.A.S.T.Y.
  3. Too bad that my trifecta of sh*tty 3 day weekend's won't come to fruition. (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day)
  4. Absolutely miserable out today.
  5. Hype, hype, hype.. It really isn't information that anyone can use...Especially the day before a storm. People who are prepared with generators were prepared well before (with the exception of a few last minute generator sales at Lowes.). Eversource is preparing regardless of the pretty colors. All that map does is add additional stress to those who don't have alternative power sources.
  6. Yeah...but you have the right idea on a different scale.
  7. Major issues for that 10%, but the rest of us just some summer breeze and rain.
  8. True. Archaic infrastructure will get another work out.
  9. Looks like baby a T-Rex in its egg.
  10. Yeah. Is a nice town...I lived there for 5 years.
  11. Yeah, but the archaic power grid in CT bows to 35-40 mph gusts. We have lost power 3 times this summer to much less than a classic nor easter as far as winds go. It's vulnerable locations and businesses and places of residence for certain people that will be the issue, regardless of what sound is heard above.
  12. Yeah...She has been renting since June. Downtown
  13. You in Bristol right now? My daughter is.
  14. What causes the westward bias of some.of these models?
  15. Nice. Seems like a prime spot.
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