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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. ...Shenanigans, shamrocks and rains on the St. Paddy's Day parades on Saturday.
  2. All of the boats on the lake where my girlfriend lives, with the exception of a tiny contingent are required to electric.
  3. Not just the fire risk that you need to worry about. You need to be concerned with the MZB's. (Mutant Zombie Biker Gangs) coming to steal your sh.it.
  4. Yes, thanks for the lesson. Nah. Job is good minimal meetings.
  5. Reminds me of some snooze-fest of a work meeting. Upper management piling on the charts and graphs, while the rest of the room is desperately trying hard not to fall asleep. We just need a few pie charts to complete the picture.
  6. I think it was '18 (maybe '19) that nailed my spot good. Almost a jack zone.
  7. Was a pretty weak, hour long presentation that talked about stuff I already knew, mainly snow rails and clamps. Yeah, that atrium space at the museum must have had some crazy snow slides. How did the "release" work? Was it timed on temperature?
  8. I just finished an online course on snow retention system for roofs. Some of the pics were pants-tent-worthy.
  9. I wish my job allowed this kind of flexibility. Unfortunately it's the nature of my beast that I do be in the office, and at job sites during the week. My commute is 38 miles, but when I get there I have a work vehicle that I use to get from site to site during the day. My architecture company allowed this for a while, but it was not profitable enough for me so I had to find a "real job".
  10. Once you throw out the "S" word (safety), People lose their sh.it. We have to be "safe" for others, including the obese, elderly man with a dozen pre-existing conditions who lives at home, alone. You know, the guy you will never encounter?
  11. Few months worth of MRE's and dehydrated, plus canned goods.
  12. ...But will I be able to use this before the end of the season?
  13. My boss has been home for almost 2 years now. ...He does come in every so often, but for the most part he is home. For 18 months he was home 100% of the time. This entire exercise of home working that still exists here has become a very big bone of contention around my place of work. The general manager is still sticking to the, "people can work from home 3 days a week" stance, and it is driving people nuts (my boss is one who just does not even bother to come in for those 2 days, except every so often). There is literally zero reason to be home, and I know that people have taken advantage of the whole thing. I have had conversations with people who are using those days to be home with their kids, etc. People are taking dr's appointments without subtracting the time, they are taking vacations days, without subtracting the time, etc.. At the end of the year they have vacation time that they have not used. and carry it over, or cash it out and get paid. The Sh.it is on a whole other level of insanity. Myself and others saw this coming back when it all started it, but when we mentioned it people blew us off as paranoid, saying, "this is a time of crisis and that people would not take advantage like that". I have come to work through all of it. The only time I stayed home was ONCE when we had an all day ZOOM interview to hire architects 18 months ago, and there was zero reason for me to drive to work just to get on my computer for a meeting. Regarding my boss, it does not really matter to me that he is home since the work gets done. It hasn't affected my situation at all and I know he is working tons of extra hours as well. The situations in other departments, not so much. Completely different scene.
  14. Awful. I have to mentally prepare for Kevin and his H(3) talk. All Dews, all Day, all Season long.
  15. one of them flopping right over us...Keep the heat in the midwest.
  16. Morch and nApril showers season...The most wonderful time of the year.
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