F.uck Florida.
I've been to Florida 5 times. Each of those 5 times I was there in October. ...4 times in Orlando, and one time in Pensacola (6 total if you count the few hours of time in early November, docked near Coco Beach before the cruise I was on continued on to the Bahamas). Each of those times it was really f.ucking hot, and really fu.cking flat and uninteresting. I thought Pensacola was o.k., but not a place I'd want to live.
Some extra random, notable things about the trips....One time flying in there was a hurricane that could be viewed outside the airplane window. That was cool as hell to see from above. (I keep wanting to say hurricane Floyd, but I think it was a gulf-centric storm). Another time I saw a shuttle launch all the way from on a boat in the middle of the lake at downtown Disney. Seeing the ball of fire blasting into space was pretty bad-ass. During the Pensacola trip it was after a massive oil spill, and the coastal areas were desperate for business. The area had just re-opened, and there were still small balls of oil washing up on shore. This was months after the spill. Wild sh.it.