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Cold Miser

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About Cold Miser

  • Birthday 04/14/1912

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Dayville, CT & Eagle Bay, NY

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  1. I wish they would just leave the damn clocks alone.
  2. I was in Boston overnight, and came home to water in the basement thanks to a shity site and non-drainage situation around the house, oh, and about 3" of waterand slush on top of the already frozen 60' x 40' driveway. Great stuff. Snow here was about 2.25"... still shy of @WinterWolfwinning our bet. I live to die another day. edit: I put this in the wrong thread. Mods feel free to move it to the weekend storm thread.
  3. .5" in Dayville for your CT tally.
  4. This would be Steve's "Big Dog" that he has been talking about?
  5. 3.25" so far but I seem to be in the edge of what's dropped back down...maybe I pick up another. 25- .5 Either way a bust. Looks like snow and rain end of the week. Lame continues. Fire up the My 1st thread
  6. I tried sending you a message, but it says that you "can not receive messages" 1" total here in Dayville.
  7. juju is what it is... and can be be bad juju, or good juju, but juju exists. Just don't make the juju gods angry. I didn't see that you started a thread, only the Tip map. But, I like typing, "juju".
  8. You should really start a thread for this. It's never too early.
  9. Oh great....Tip started another storm threat thread.
  10. If March doesn't happen we can always keep kicking the can down the road ...April or May?
  11. It's over before it even began. Fore me, just like the last 2 seasons. ...But...but...but, there's always a chance for that big KU in March. Meh. I'm moving down to Louisiana where the men are men, and winter is winter.
  12. I would have been the only one swimming in that pool, embracing the snow.
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