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Everything posted by westhope84

  1. On Tulsa NWS’ Decision Support Page, they show Tulsa receiving 0.9” of snowfall tomorrow. I guess they must think temps are too marginal and are being quite conservative. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is updated soon.
  2. Uh... is it going to, um, SNOW IN TULSA? Like, enough to make a snowball? Will I remember how to make a snowball?
  3. Yeah, no way Midtown/downtown Tulsa gets over 4 inches unless the afternoon band is heavier than expected. It’s pretty disappointing! I thought we’d get at least 4 inches.
  4. Okmulgee to Salina to Neosho looks to be the jackpot zone? I was hoping Tulsa would hit the jackpot, but we’ve seen some pretty nice rates at times so far.
  5. Ripping snow currently in midtown Tulsa. Everything is whitening up. Pretty nice to see!
  6. I’m beginning to associate December warmth with the Christmas feels. It’s become a tradition. Here’s to hoping for a big storm soon, though. We’re due. Looking toward 2020, perhaps we could draft some legislation to turn Kansas into a giant lake so we can get some wicked lake effect action (no offense to any Kansas members; you’d be welcomed wholeheartedly).
  7. Whoa. If the Euro is even half right, Tulsa NWS and all area meteorologists will need to make some huge changes to the forecast quickly. Is anyone buying the Euro solution for snow in Tulsa?
  8. Has OKC ever received 6”+ snow when Tulsa got zilch? I know OKC may not get over 6” tomorrow, but it’s weird to see some modes forecasting that and giving Tulsa little to nothing.
  9. This rather intense sleet band is going to be fun here in Tulsa. I’ll take whatever we can get these days. Edit: it’s marginal freezing rain. Lol.
  10. Merry Christmas to all! This forum adds quality to my life. I’m grateful to all who contribute!
  11. Per their AFD, NWS Tulsa seems to have concerns that Saturday could be a sleet-show until fairly late in the day. Nothing is more frustrating than watching heavy sleet and thinking about what the snowfall rate COULD’VE BEEN.
  12. Hello! Just wanted to check in and see if this community has moved over to another forum or something? It’s so quiet in here and Old Man Winter is knocking...
  13. Here in Midtown Tulsa, we had that rare "Currier & Ives" Christmas snow. It came down at a very good clip for awhile and was a dream to behold! Having such a scene is a real treat before Christmas.
  14. I'd be just fine with upper 40s for Christmas here in the Tulsa area, NwWhiteOut! That's the seasonal average, and seasonal averages seem hard to achieve in December these days. I really dread any sort of Christmas warmth. I was able to avoid the Christmas mega-torch somewhat last year by spending Christmas in Iowa. Here's to wishing and hoping.
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