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Everything posted by kevlon62

  1. 180 miles on the sleds today. Freezing rain has been plentiful but mostly not a challenge, just a bit unusual to have ice on gear and the machines. Most of the trails were great. Freezing rain continues and starting to look wild outside here in Munising. We met someone who had been driving through it from Duluth with some pretty impressive accretion on the car!
  2. Temp down 2 degrees in the last hour. 30 and zr. Small icicles abound on the elevateds. Roads hanging tough and just wet.
  3. First wave went through with a few flurries.
  4. Just arrived in Munising. Had light freezing drizzle the final ten miles. Snow packed parking lots look good. We'll see what the trails hold come morning.
  5. We have a great time with friends and family on our machines. It's been an amazing set of memories from childhood to now with our own children. Our time in the UP is something we look forward to each season, but backyard riding has it's own satisfaction as well. Excited for the continued growth in technology and of course for the snow next week!
  6. Save that cash for the bone-in at Foggy's. Had a great weekend in the fresh snow Munising, Grand Marais, Manistique, Marquette. Intrigued at a run to Big Bay - maybe in March.
  7. Heading "up" again this Wed. Honestly, not as much angst anymore on the local misses.
  8. LES doing its inland thing. Light but sustained showers.
  9. Notched a quick pasting. Not our best work.
  10. Love it. Finished with 263. Pictured Rocks was top dollar this evening.
  11. Lovely day. Hiawatha National Forest.
  12. Aiming to arrive late day Munising. Newberry going to look a lot better this weekend than it did for our March trip.
  13. Some frost this morning. Looked great out there.
  14. Nice work. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  15. Why not. Get some fall colors. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  16. North Chicago. Canopy holding so far. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
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