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Everything posted by kevlon62

  1. A trailer lost a tire and sparked a brush fire along I-39 north of Bloomington today. Some of the grassland areas are looking dicey. We'll keep the home show under wraps this year.
  2. Yes. I'll see if we can run by there.
  3. Was a great night of storms rolling through TC. Rain clearly not needed though. Healthy novelty snowfield still in place along maybe 30 miles of I-94 somewhere north of Tomah to south of Eau Claire broke the drive up yesterday. Not a trace past Eau Claire and west. Plows were pushing the pea size hail off the drive lanes north of Madison late morning yesterday as well. Stones had accumulated along a multimile stretch with temperatures in the lower 40s on the back side.
  4. St. Croix looked mighty and ominous crossing at Hudson this afternoon.
  5. Snow drifts had staying power on the farm field edges today. That white gold over the emerald green of the fast growing reed canary grass.
  6. I remember we did a dinner cruise out of Dubuque high water style that year. The chronological benchmark though was hearing Paxson for three to KO PHX on the station wagon ride home later that night. The best!
  7. Likewise. But still nice to see. Timed well with Saturday morning. Should be a dandy.
  8. Figure about 8 a bit north of town
  9. In it to win it. Steady at 31F
  10. 31F in Woodstock. Grass covering is close. Edit. Pavement and sidewalks dusting over.
  11. 33 and plastering underway in Huntley. edit. 32
  12. Rolling northwest through Schaumburg. Temperature dropped from 40 to 36 within about five minutes of getting into the snow band.
  13. Nice to see the Watch up. Point has 4-8 for Thursday night. Snow day Friday would be fun.
  14. Power still out at the school in town. Family just up the road still out as well. Estimate for them is sometime Saturday. The drive home Wednesday ended up fine, aside from limbs and ice falling closer to town. Sirens were going throughout the night, along with arc flashes lighting up the sky. With the extended return to electric service and overall tree/property damage, this event gave off at least the perception of a greater impact than had it been all snow for us, unless we're talking a GHD-type event.
  15. I-290 and Biesterfield. Abrupt change to iced trees and vegetation. 32F and moderate ZR. Heading home with caution and fingers crossed.
  16. School cancelled due to the ISW and concern of safe travel at end of day. Heavier than normal early morning inbound commute on I-90 from far nw burbs.
  17. Bare ground here in the UP. Open water across Green Bay to Fish Creek. Trails at destination another 90 minutes north up around Munising are shot.
  18. Worked out well. Trails open and some local miles tonight. Enjoying it even more given the rarity.
  19. I'm with you. Not pining.. More tongue in cheek. That said, MKX taking lead and coordinating could make it a bit easier. Vis down to about a mile now in central Boone County. Roads dusted. Small flakes.
  20. Flurries underway - currently in western McHenry County. Looking for that upgrade.
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