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SlantStickers Anonymous

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Everything posted by SlantStickers Anonymous

  1. 93F, sunny, a cicada drones in the distance.
  2. Should be a pretty rainy couple days up my way, thinking that Hampton Roads will be far enough NE that winds aren't a big deal here.
  3. Sorry but I'd lock this one in. I recently moved to VA after years of cheerleading 1938 vol. 2, so it's pretty much inevitable up there now.
  4. Been pinging away here since I got up this morning. My road is a solid sheet of congealed sleet/ice.
  5. Boston is still one of the best spots to be, South Shore MA an even better spot. As others have noted, it's likely going to come down to nowcasting mesoscale features to determine whether this is a 12-18" event in eastern areas or if the more outrageous high end totals will be in the cards. If you're going to chase in Eastern MA you're going to get a good snowstorm regardless, but something historic isn't locked in at all IMO.
  6. I moved here from Peabody in 2018 and jeeeeesus have the winters been boring since then. Looking at the upcoming storm this morning I said "this winter blows" and my wife said "you say that every year" lol.
  7. Happy new year, it’s been like Silent Hill outside for the last couple days lol
  8. Cautiously watching Thursday/Friday. I’m getting married in Durham NH on Friday evening and my fiancée is going to spontaneously combust if we get rained in lol.
  9. I’ll live vicariously through friends/relatives with flooded basements lol
  10. Raining in Salem NH now. There will probably be some noteworthy flooding in Peabody tonight, 3-4" in a relatively short period is easily enough to do it in the usual areas.
  11. Coming down pretty hard at the moment, mostly been a solid moderate rain so far though.
  12. Actually already got a solid coating on grass and cars.
  13. Just got a burst of big flakes in Salem NH
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