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About ifindppl

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  1. Getting some drizzle in Olney. Staying true to scientific empiricism, it does “feel” like snow.
  2. Steady snow again in Olney. I hope it lasts for a while. The radar does look juicy.
  3. After a lull, ripping again in Olney.
  4. I am only at 4 1/2 inches, but I am mostly seeing freezing drizzle w/snowflakes mixed in. No complaints from me as it is still a decent storm and hopefully we will see a burst later today.
  5. 4 inches in Olney and snowing heavily.
  6. Snowing moderately in Olney. Driveway, sidewalk, street and mulch beds covered. Small flakes, many small flakes.
  7. Just finished snow blowing sidewalks and my driveway and my neighbor’s driveway. Four to five inches and still snowing in Olney.
  8. Still snowing at a good clip in Olney. I want to get ahead of the wind and cold blast coming this afternoon and clear the snow. I do not see how I avoid having to go out again later.
  9. The Mowerman was at my house yesterday to tune up and start up the snowblower. Perfect timing.
  10. Still snowing at a good clip in Olney. Looks like about 2-3 inches. Sorry for the gold tint - bug light.
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