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Everything posted by Mikeymac5306

  1. I mean... After last nights 18Z runs we all wanted that big dog, snow on snow/ 2010 Redux. Then the next three runs came in and here we are...
  2. From the Ma forum.. Momma Mia! ... and look at the time stamp. lol
  3. Men... All this talk you hear about warm air mixing and thermals in February is a lot of horse dung...
  4. Get that to slow down a little bit and we may break out the George Patton speech for 18Z
  5. Get that to slow down a little bit and we may break out the George Patton speech for 18Z
  6. 34 light drizzle here. Nice glazing on the driveway but nothing serious. Roads are just wet here after they got treated.
  7. Looks like the 12Z runs took a slight step back. Still storm on storm. Just not sure where the lines will set up. Super Bowl Sunday Morning is beginning to look interesting as well. EDIT: I will take the UKIE and call it a week though LOL
  8. If these models verify like they are saying the blinds are going to be ripped off the hangers.
  9. Stolen off the NY forum. The white part is the PA snow hole right?
  10. GFS fringes us on the 12th and gets a nice 4-6 inch event for Valentines Day. CMC is lost.
  11. ICON is a swing and miss for this and Saturday.
  12. One thing I do like about this forum is that everyone here keeps it real for the most part. The clown maps are fun to look at (which is why I am here) but it's all speculation so far out. Others like to ride or die, and then two days out when it's not the killer storm everyone saw two week prior they're jumping off the bridge. It's just weather. Keep it light and have fun with it when it's out in fantasy land. The Eagles on the other hand. LFG!!!!!
  13. I'm kinda here with this as well. I think we're getting sleeted to death like 2007. What year was the St. Patricks sleet fest? 2006?
  14. The funeral for everyone writing off winter last week , and now this...
  15. Interesting time ahead. Still think there's too much warm air mixed to make any of these legit. Will be fun to track though.
  16. 6Z Runs say "Enjoy the slop fest next two weeks."
  17. Will we be "Rocking" as the cool kids like to call it?
  18. Looks like something is trying to set up in a frontal boundry later next week. We are right on the line looks like. So for us it will be 35 and white rain.
  19. Washington will get their shot. Daniels is gonna give teams the fits for the next 5-7 years. He seems like a good dude too. Eagles are playing catch up now for all the misses during Andy Reid's tenure there. If you would have told me 7 years ago the Eagles we going to the Super Bowl three times in the next 7 years and winning at least one of them I would have bet the farm on no. Been a long time coming for Eagles Fans. All the misses with Vermiel. All the misses when Buddy Ryan was supposed to save the franchise with his defense, and not worry about the offense cause we have Randall Cunningham. All the misses with Andy (5 Championship games and only one win?) Know why Eagles fans are insufferable? All the chirping from the rest of the NFL fans for 52 years about the Eagles will never win. "Where's your Super Bowl ring?" We watched Dallas get 5 rings, the Giants get 4 and Washington get 3. Finally Eagles get one. 52 years to finally get a chip. Yeah! Damn right we're gonna shove it up your ass! Now we're just happy to be legit, and in the mix each year. So, yeah. Sorry to be like that, but it's been a lot of pent up aggression from Eagles fans! Sorry for my rant. Washington has a solid team, and a great QB they can build around. They can certainly get better and their shot is coming. For now, go Birds!
  20. 12z Runs look like a salt washer off the roads for next weekend which I think everyone would be cool with. Let the pattern reload for Super Bowl weekend which as of now we keep the ole side eye on.
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