Washington will get their shot. Daniels is gonna give teams the fits for the next 5-7 years. He seems like a good dude too.
Eagles are playing catch up now for all the misses during Andy Reid's tenure there. If you would have told me 7 years ago the Eagles we going to the Super Bowl three times in the next 7 years and winning at least one of them I would have bet the farm on no.
Been a long time coming for Eagles Fans. All the misses with Vermiel. All the misses when Buddy Ryan was supposed to save the franchise with his defense, and not worry about the offense cause we have Randall Cunningham. All the misses with Andy (5 Championship games and only one win?) Know why Eagles fans are insufferable? All the chirping from the rest of the NFL fans for 52 years about the Eagles will never win. "Where's your Super Bowl ring?" We watched Dallas get 5 rings, the Giants get 4 and Washington get 3. Finally Eagles get one. 52 years to finally get a chip. Yeah! Damn right we're gonna shove it up your ass! Now we're just happy to be legit, and in the mix each year. So, yeah. Sorry to be like that, but it's been a lot of pent up aggression from Eagles fans!
Sorry for my rant. Washington has a solid team, and a great QB they can build around. They can certainly get better and their shot is coming. For now, go Birds!