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Everything posted by Mikeymac5306

  1. Suicide by trampoline. Everyone was jumping last night after 18Z and hit the trampoline back up to the 0Z and 6Z runs. Weather tracking is fun isn't it?
  2. 12Z runs punt the V day storm way north. Takes it to Pittsburgh then transfers off the Jersey coast. Congrats to the NE. PD is in play though. Didn't look like much change there.
  3. Are we not interested in a 973 low over Wilmington Tuesday?
  4. Yeah too far south and too far out as of right now. The trends are north though right? It's trackable.
  5. ICON is the only thing right now showing a borderline mix. GFS and CMC show a fringed rain storm. Still a week out so this has time to change
  6. 384 hrs away from another great run at 384 hrs. Keep fighting the good fight!
  7. The Valentines Day storm (ish) has been all over the place last two day runs. Meh. Yeah, I check out around President's Day and get antsy about how bad my garage looks from the Winter waiting for the warmth, and longer days. I said in the MA forum we were 384 hrs away from another great 384 hr run on the ensemble models and almost got crucified.
  8. Just 384 hrs away from looking at another awesome run at 384hrs. It's gonna rock!
  9. Had a few flurries blow past here. 36 degrees. If your looking for something way out in the boonies, GFS fantasy land had a Valentines Cleveland Steamer this morning to a nice SECS off OC Maryland on the 12Z.. Hey, it looks trackable.
  10. The ensembles scream storm but it's hard to get all amped up for Hrs 384-507.
  11. Yeah. Pressure got to them. Coach didn't help by going for it twice on 4th down instead of kicking for points.
  12. Did not expect this from Detroit! Hopefully they can keep it going.
  13. Yeah . Kinda knew there was nothing doing on the overnight models as there wasn't much action in any of the reginal forums. GFS only model showing a nice Boston Special next weekend with some wrap around flakes for us here.
  14. I thought the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...
  15. Looks like a double barrell shot for that time with another southern slider in tow on fantasy range. Close enough off shore to make it trackable. Cold air looks to be in place as well.
  16. See what happens today if the trends keep pushing south. Couple close calls coming in the long range. Looks like the cold is there to help out. After this week, things are popping again!
  17. 27 degrees. Winter was a fun two weeks right? Better than last year. Looks to dry out and calm down after the 1st for a bit. We can begin to track again between the 10th-20th of February and thats about it unless we get a freak March storm which most of them maybe cold turns into white rain.
  18. Moderate snow for the last hour here in Exton. 28 degrees.
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