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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. So at least we have this going for us for next year
  2. Just found this beauty- trusting any long range model or ensemble is a joke
  3. Looks like the East will be playing catch-up this year
  4. Definitely getting no snow sucks- but this year has been easier for me. No real heartbreak at all- nothing has been close so I’ve just enjoyed the heat provided by the SER
  5. The only difference between this place and my hometown is that Lewes hit 62.7 F today
  6. I’ve never seen a kicker miss 3 straight extra points. Not even close either- he hasn’t even hit a goalpost
  7. Ravens saving those timeouts for next season I guess
  8. The fall of the Roman Empire Id surmise
  9. Wait till next years Super El Niño 70s all December- I can already hear the climate change talk for next winter on this board.
  10. No worries region-wide snowstorm still on for January 30-31. Everyone will cash. Maybe another storm 3 or 4 days later - book it
  11. All those punting winter should be checking in here and not allowed to enjoy our January 30th region wide snowstorm
  12. You’d think that asteroid is about to hit the earth if reading the main thread. I like snow as much as anyone but it’s not the end of the world. I get it - the world is warmer - I don’t need post after post of people whining about it.
  13. Nah- the board is ridiculous if you don’t post a cold map or comment- someone will tell you that you’re wrong. Cold keeps getting delayed- it was a quick week, now it’s 2 with big departures but I’m sure on the 13th it will be ice cold. Lol
  14. Nat Gas giving up on the winter already
  15. This forum is getting close to an implosion. Snow deprived members are about to lose it. There is no snow on the horizon- so just unplug and enjoy the weather outside. Acceptance is an important stage in the cycle
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