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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. I’m guessing the Ravens will be around 6 point dogs at KC next week. The Chiefs better be sharp or the Ravens will come into town and take it to them
  2. A real gully washer here at the coast- but that’s to be expected. Good luck to you guys
  3. At least Madrid is getting their snow
  4. I feel like today is going to be a great model run day for the forum- things improve greatly
  5. I’m quickly losing interest. No cold air in place means no snow at the coast
  6. Not too long until the models start picking up on the region wide snowstorm for January 14th
  7. Yep cape henlopen state park- it’s a mile from my house. But I definitely wish we’d snow some
  8. Anyway I’m headed to the state park to enjoy the 60 degrees at the beach
  9. Our region-wide January 14th snowstorm isn’t showing up yet- but give it a few days and it will. We will all be happy
  10. A tough New Years resolution- I’m going to try and be happy for everyone when they get snow and I get a cold rain. Nope- screw that. Every man/woman for him/her self
  11. Suppressed to the south on the 9th- DT WILL TAKE
  12. Very wise- I’ve seen this game before. High expectations and we get tons of rain. The cold air doesn’t look that good for us yet.
  13. Long range indices look great- if true we could be on the precipice of a great winter period during our prime winter climate. It’s time for us to get ours- I hope
  14. At least there is some weather excitement this year- will epic blocking really happen? Will cold air find its way to us? Who knows for sure but last year there was nothing to track or even dream about
  15. I’m quickly figuring out it just takes too many variables to line up perfectly to get snow at the coast. I’m not moving so I just accept this.
  16. Yesterday winter was over- today there is fresh hope. You gotta love following winter weather in the mid Atlantic
  17. I thought it was great having some snowflakes on Christmas night. I’m totally good until our region-wide January 14th blizzard. That big storm will make us all happy. Let’s get some good vibes going
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