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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. I’m looking forward to the opening
  2. Thursday is going to trend a little further south and the whole mid Atlantic forum will cash in on 6-10 inches! Great for all and an extremely rare occurrence
  3. It’s perfect here- around 2 inches of snow, still coming down. Had a great time out playing with my son. My winter is complete!
  4. Congrats to you guys- hope this over performs for everyone. Let’s enjoy this great Sunday
  5. Arctic hounds still en route on tonights 0z GFS model run for Super Bowl Sunday. Coldest air of the year hopefully reaches us a day or 2 later
  6. I posted this in sports- but a pretty big trade
  7. Gotta love this weather forum- I love when people tell other people how they should feel. People should be allowed to vent and show disappointment without others being snarky or short with them.
  8. Dude it’s just a snowstorm- try to have a little fun and don’t be a jerk
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