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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. It could be worse- but only if you’re a Packers fan. That’s an ugly loss
  2. The GFS spits out a dream snowstorm for most on the board in 7 days. We all know this is a dream- fun to watch but probably not going to happen. Let us enjoy the next few hours w this digital snow- we don’t need everyone showing us how this isn’t going to happen
  3. The Euro is programmed to show a big storm at day 10- they want to keep weather interest up. But yeah it’s going to happen
  4. #4 would work just fine- lol. And yes I know it won’t happen- and yes I know it’s a week away- but this is a weather board
  5. 25 degrees w light snow falling right now
  6. If you follow golf- they call the Saturday of the tourney moving day. That’s when the real contenders make their move. Well today is moving day for this weekend storm- if it’s going to amount to anything we will know by the end of the day imho
  7. @Bob Chill- Cheetos? Love me some Cheetos
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