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Everything posted by DSF

  1. Moderate snow in NE Bmore, grass and deck white.
  2. I'd be ecstatic if we got 3 inches here in Bmore, let alone 6.
  3. All the big counties around Baltimore are delayed except for AA county. Hoping the city runs out a delay too.
  4. Yeah I posted that before I realized it looks like the moisture is drying up.
  5. I had kind of assumed this would be one and done, but now I'm wondering about school tomorrow. Streets around here haven't been plowed, it'll be interesting to see what happens tonight.
  6. Snowing nicely now in NE Baltimore. My two weenies-in-the-making want to set up chairs on the porch and have a snack while they watch the snow come down.
  7. Went from flurries to light snow to moderate snow in the course of about 10 minutes. Looks like we're in it for real now! (NE Baltimore.)
  8. It's entirely poop? Flurries now in NE Baltimore.
  9. Bmore County closed too. Hoping the city jumps on the bandwagon. Edit: ninja'd
  10. Hoping so too. I would love a random day off tomorrow, but I'm getting more doubtful it happens.
  11. Nice big ones coming down steadily in NE Baltimore. The sidewalk I shoveled is finally starting to cover over again.
  12. @H2O Nice! My daughter and I just popped some banana bread in the oven.
  13. I love Racers'. I'm off Belair a little south of Glenmore.
  14. Whereabouts? I live off Belair Rd and I definitely don't have that much.
  15. I've made zero progress on that freelance project. Time for beer number two.
  16. Street in front of the house is fully caved. Cross street, which always seems to take longer despite being a less major road, is about halfway there.
  17. Light snow in NE Baltimore, not much change in coverage. About to pour a stout while I finish up some freelance work and hope school is closed Monday.
  18. Sidewalks caved in NE Baltimore. Streets TBC (to be caved).
  19. When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.
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