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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Only my bedroom. I have a small one bedroom house and the last owner converted the attic space into a bedroom. It gets ridiculously hot since there is no good ventilation and all the heat from the house rises into the upper space. I haven't used it in the main part of the house.
  2. Turned my AC on last night in my bedroom, but not in the main house. This time of year up here is when we alternate between heat and AC. It doesn't happen every year but there is a pattern of warm surges in Oct. I usually set my heat at 62-65 depending on if it's going to cool and cloudy or if it's just chilly at night but then sunny during the day which helps keep the temp up in the house up. Looks like AC season ends today and then we jump into heating season.
  3. Yep, we are at Peak Color now. It's absolutely gorgeous. Every year for about a week I'm utterly blown away by how beautiful it is. Never gets old.
  4. Good hard frost this morning. Foliage is coming along, and looks really good in the Bretton Woods area. The tourists have arrived by the bus load, and the Scenic Conway Railroad is in full swing. What a stretch of weather up here for the next 10 days. Days and Days of Sun!
  5. 2 days of clouds, but today is gorgeous and full sunshine. The foliage just jumped into high gear. It started slowly turning with the first hints about a month ago. Over the past month the green has been fading out and some of the Maples have popped but nothing to write home about. Over the last 3 days everything has dramatically sped up and the color change when I woke up these last few mornings has been dramatically obvious. I can see it being peak color here heading into next weekend. The weather is going to be above normal and dry so it will be great for leaf peeping. Should still have some sort of color left up here by Columbus Day Weekend but it will be past peak by then. Usually the first frost drives the foliage into high gear. We didn't really have one at ground level, but Alex said he saw frost on the roof of one of his properties, so it did get frosty at foliage level. Full-speed ahead!!!
  6. I tried to mow my lawn yesterday. Holy hell, I mowed about 30% of it. The grass just hasn't been able to dry out and there have been so few clear and dry days that the lawn was just out of control. My lawn mower was begging for its mama.
  7. I laughed way too hard https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxE2ptBrjss/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  8. Some instagram reel came across my feed a few days ago- created by "someone from the future" that had a bunch of predictions and one of them was a Cat 6 hurricane in September....cue the twilight zone music
  9. Ragged Mtn now in some hot water regarding misuse of EB5 investments. Major bummer- Ragged is a great little mountain, but they may have taken EB5 money and used it inappropriately. Same company that owns Ragged also now owns Jay Peak. This could make things interesting for the recovery of Jay Peak is the new owners are also guilty of misusing EB5 funds.
  10. Carroll, Twin Mountain, Bretton Woods, NH. Way up in the hinter lands
  11. Alex and I just had a brief chat. The leaves are starting to change. The green color is changing and fading. It's not one uniform landscape of green anymore. The usual maples are starting to show splashes of red, at the tops and the random weak branches. There are bits of yellow starting to show as well. And we didn't even get through one full page on the Warm Season NNE Thread
  12. Alex and I just had a brief chat. The leaves are starting to change. The green color is changing and fading. It's not one uniform landscape of green anymore. The usual maples are starting to show splashes of red, at the tops and the random weak branches. There are bits of yellow starting to show as well. And we didn't even get through one full page on the Warm Season Thread
  13. Ohhhh, I always thought those web tents were gypsy moths. Well then, I guess it is them. They have annihilated an entire section of Crawford Notch. There are trees trying to put out new leaves. But there is also a large stretch of large trees that have no leaves at all are showing no signs of life. It's sad.
  14. Something is eating them. Up here, something has annihilated trees in Crawford Notch. There are some huge trees that are completely bare, and then other trees that look like what you took a picture of. My first thought was gypsy moth caterpillars but I've seen no tents at all.
  15. Been using my pelletstove the last two days. But I will take the drizzle and cool weather over air quality issues any day
  16. Been using my pellet stove- yesterday and today. At least up here the air quality is better
  17. Temp at whitefield Airport was 19 degrees when I checked it around 7am. Lots of frost on the vehicles and grass. I was in Littleton yesterday evening and places like Shaws and Tractor Supply were loading up all the plants on outside display and bringing them in the store. Hopefully no more of this for a few months
  18. Temp at whitefield Airport was 19 degrees when I checked it around 7am. Lots of frost on the vehicles and grass. I was in Littleton yesterday evening and places like Shaws and Tractor Supply were loading up all the plants on outside display and bringing them in the store. Hopefully no more of this for a few months.
  19. Off and on snow showers all morning
  20. I was thinking we should switch to a "Warm Season" threaf once the peepers come out. It's really weird to be listening to peepers as well as ice pellets bouncing off my window AC. Yes, I installed in my bedroom since it's on the 2nd level. Did not install on the main level.
  21. It got to around 33 degrees. We did get some ice on the deck, but it was gone in less than an hour. Crawford Notch was beautiful this morning. All the trees were glazed.
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