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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Was it around 1989/1990 that we had no snow all the way into Canada? My brother is 6 years older than me and he had a school ski trip to some place in Canada and there was no snow- just warm temps rain and muddy conditions. If it was his senior year it would have been 89/90. I feel like we are repeating that.
  2. Ammonoosuc River pretty much shut down Bretton Woods. Waterfalls in Crawford Notch cascading onto the road. Rock slides and road wash outs. Saco River way over its banks and flooding homes
  3. I feel like ever since I moved up here, we just keep having giant rainstorms that destroy all the snow
  4. Pretty cool temp profile- 50 degrees in Bretton Woods, 4 miles east on 302 at the Highland Center it was 40 degrees, and then it was 35 degrees when I got to Attitash
  5. Now that is a razor edge demarcation. I'm on the unfavorable side of it, but so epically fascinating. Congrats PF!
  6. Yep, we are surround on 3 sides by terrain, which makes for shadowing in just about every set up
  7. Maybe 1/2 or so in Bretton Woods
  8. Not much happening in Bretton Woods. On and off light snow, too warm to accumulate.
  9. Just some slush in Bretton Woods. Warm air always flood up the CT River Valley and then down 302 and invades this area. The ski resort reported 2 or so inches of cement. I can only imagine that higher elevations around this area had a blue bomb.
  10. Hope you are enjoying the area and a White Thanksgiving! AirBnB?
  11. I did rive into it. The rain snow line was actually by the AMC Highland Center before you enter the Notch. I had to go to North Conway. It was pouring in Bretton Woods after 4 inches. I'm driving and I get to a straight away on 302 right before the last little uphill section before the Highland Center. I'm looking ahead of me a few hundred yards and there is a sharp line ahead on the pavement where it goes from black to white. I'm still in the rain driving towards the line. It was instantaneous change from pouring rain to pouring snow- huge aggregates, almost white out. Attitash area picked up at least 8 inches. It snowed all the way through the Notch, and about a mile past Glen Junction. Then it went immediately back to rain and North Conway was rain. My lane of 302 was never plowed. It was covered in at least 5 inches. I did see 2 plow trucks but they were both clearing the other lane. It was a white knuckle drive.
  12. Pouring rain in Bretton Woods. Conditions are awful for driving or even walking. I'd say 3-4inches of snow in the General area
  13. Messy morning in Bretton Woods. Very gusty winds starting yesterday. Light snow started 10pm last night. No big accumulations here. Word is North Conway area got hit hard. It was a sleety mix for a while this morning but now mostly snow again. Winds still very gusty
  14. We've had some good overnight temps for snow making. Bretton Woods is celebrating 50 years this weekend. We had about 1-2inches of snow this past overnight Sunday into Monday morning. Not a bad November so far to get ski season started. I remember Alex posting November 2018 before I lived up here. Skiing glades in November. Clearly that is an outlier and not average. I moved up here Nov 2019 and this November has been the most favorable for getting things started in November since I moved up here. First synoptic storm with accumulating snow coming tomorrow.
  15. Thanks, there really has been no progress on the terminal at the base area. Just recently they poured concrete. Not much activity at the base area. Still big piles of dirt and rocks. Glad they are still on track for a successful timeline and opening of the new lift. I did see snow making at the base when I drove by the other day.
  16. I'd like to break the pattern of having tropical rain storms around Xmas-New Years. We have had some brutal ones up here that literally wipe out the snowbase. Man-made Snow needs to start all over again and snow mobiling and xcountry skiing shuts down until natural snow build back up. The ice castles have struggled the last 4 years up here.
  17. I have no idea what Attitash has planned. They closed at the end of the ski season and did not open for summer so they could replace one of their chair lifts. They usually open in December and that is less than a month away and there has been barely any progress on the new lift. I wonder if they are staying closed this winter? @powderfreakhave you heard anything?
  18. Ice on Saco Lake. Been a nice little stretch of cold temps.
  19. How long does it take to assemble a new chairlift terminal, run a cable and hang chairs, and then pass a load test? Attitash is running out of time. Five weeks until they would normally open? They only jist started pouring the concrete footings.
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