I did rive into it. The rain snow line was actually by the AMC Highland Center before you enter the Notch. I had to go to North Conway. It was pouring in Bretton Woods after 4 inches. I'm driving and I get to a straight away on 302 right before the last little uphill section before the Highland Center. I'm looking ahead of me a few hundred yards and there is a sharp line ahead on the pavement where it goes from black to white. I'm still in the rain driving towards the line. It was instantaneous change from pouring rain to pouring snow- huge aggregates, almost white out. Attitash area picked up at least 8 inches. It snowed all the way through the Notch, and about a mile past Glen Junction. Then it went immediately back to rain and North Conway was rain. My lane of 302 was never plowed. It was covered in at least 5 inches. I did see 2 plow trucks but they were both clearing the other lane. It was a white knuckle drive.