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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Lots of reports of black bears being out and about. Winter is officially over We're on to Sping
  2. Ridiculously warm here, 57-58 degrees, the snow pack has been decimated. I live on a dirt road and it's so thawed and muddy, cars and trucks are sinking 6 inches. I didn't leave my house today because there is a part of the road I don't think my car will make it through. Should solidify overnight and while the ruts will freeze in place, I should be able to get to and from my house
  3. The quicker we can get the snow melted, the quicker we can start and get through mud season. In 2020 leaf out here was right around June 1st. Stick season is ridiculously long up here. I'm not a fan.
  4. No thank you, I've moved on. I'm enjoying watching how fast the snow is melting. No use dragging this shit show out any longer. Stick a fork in it and we are on to Sping
  5. Time to think about dusting off the Warm Season thread.
  6. Lots of melting out there today, temps ranged from the mid to upper 50s. I live on a dirt road and between today and the last few days, it thawed and my poor corolla gets sucked into all the tire ruts created by the overly large pick up trucks everyone seems to drive up here.
  7. Lots of melting out there today, temps ranged from the mid to upper 50s. I live on a dirt road and between today and the last few days, it thawed and my poor corolla gets sucked into all the tire ruts created by the overly large pick up trucks everyone seems to drive up here.
  8. We have snow cover. Snowmobiling and skiing are going strong
  9. Off and on bursts of upslope today
  10. When I worked in that area monitoring the Asian Longhorn Beetle, we had a trap line that needed to be checked and I would always stop in there for snacks or grab lunch
  11. That actually sounds lovely. I had 33-34 degrees all day, raw with alternating rounds of snow sleet freezing rain and rain...just crap
  12. My condolences, Paul. All you can do is take it one day at a time.
  13. @powderfreakI was just reading about the beaver dilemma in Stowe. Seems to me, the beavers are just behaving naturally and it's the humans causing all the issues
  14. I actually saw a Yeti in Crawford Notch about a month ago.
  15. Heavy snow currently, great flake size. Sitting around 32 so it's heavy and wet and sticking to everything
  16. Anyone have a Peacock log-in they would be willing to share so I can watch the game?
  17. I can't believe there are linemen out working in this. I got an auto text from eversource saying power in my area estimated return of 1145am.and crews are on scene
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