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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. 32/31 strong wind gusts, heavy wet snow, huge flakes, pavement covered Just jacked my heat up. Assuming I'm going to lose power.
  2. My buddy just got called to plow. He does Colony Place Plaza at RT3 and RT44. I just put my car in the garage. Wind is whipping, coating of cement on non pavement surfaces. 35/33
  3. Hey just a heads up. And I'm not mad or anything. Just a friendly reminder to consolidate your posts. There's no need for rapid fire posts. Take a breath and type out all your thoughts in one post. Basically the goal is not to have the most posts on every page. And it's easier for people to respond to you. It's also easier for people to get to posts from other members
  4. 38/33 drizzle I still can't be convinced this is actually going to be snow. My brain is still skeptical
  5. dear lord, you were a big drinker...and i had my moments...now i have wine with thanksgiving dinner and i have a hangover before we even get to eating pie...yikes...don't get old, it sucks!!! anyway, that rock on the hill behind whitelaw/crev near the road was where i sat to watch the aurora...drunk...so i'd like to see it not drunk some day
  6. you saw the same aurora i did, it happened my freshman year at LSC which was 96-97...but i don't know if it happened right before 96 ended or right after 97 started...
  7. I was thinking about how driving to the top of a ski area would be a good place to view...but not sure they allow that
  8. can you recommend any good spots in VT to see the Aurora? I actually saw them either the end of 96 or the beginning of 97 when i was at Lyndon State College...but I was also drunk...oops...freshman year of college, what can ya do? anyway, I'm in MA so it would be a bit of a drive, but i'd be willing to put in the effort for the chance to see them again...I'd probably pick up a friend and then I could head north on 91...but I just don't know where would be a good open and elevated spot low on light pollution
  9. glad you made it safe! hope you find that you love AK and the job! good luck and looking forward to your pics and posts!!! winter comes fast up there...good luck!
  10. on the other side of things...it's only march and we are two months ahead of schedule season wise...mid 80's on tap for Thursday...trust me when i say i wish you could have shared your snow and cold with us this past winter...
  11. I wish you Alaska/Canada members could come to the conference...i would love to meet you all...you all have a wonderful passion for weather and sharing it with us Lower 48-ers!! thank you so much for sharing
  12. there is a heart in that bottom pic...how fitting for V-Day
  13. so beautiful!!! i have only seen the green, and i have only seen the Aurora once...during my freshman year at Lyndon State College in Vermont...which would have been back in the day in 1996-1997
  14. Garth!!!! that was great...when i read the initial thread title i thought maybe a family pet had died..but then i saw the subtitle...his wife would never post, nor call herself Mrs. Miser...
  15. and to think i was upset when they took away the 60's for highs in the 14day forecast for Albuquerque, NM...you all are as hardy as a tank to make it through that winter!!!
  16. <p> if i lived there, there would be months where i would never leave my house
  17. everyday seems like it is amazng where you live, Mt Blanc! do you have any neighbors? how far a drive is it to buy groceries or other things? you take pics from an elevated location, do you hike up,or do you live in an elevated area?
  18. i honestly don't think i have the mental fortitude to live in Alaska...mosquitoes the size of elephants, it's either always sunny, or always dark...the brown bears always want to eat you...and it's either way below freezing, below freezing, or freezing...although, i've heard AK has the highest percentage of single men...which is right up my alley!
  19. you live in such a gorgeous place!!! as always, thanks for sharing!!! Happy New Year! (from my time zone )
  20. Patrick, those pictures are beautiful!!! Hope you, the fam, and friends have a Merry Christmas!!! and you are having a white Christmas- that totally rocks!!!
  21. HI! glad you are feeling better We are way above normal here in New England as well...no snow for us...every storm tracks west of us and brings 50's and rain...brown muddy Christmas incoming... Merry Christmas and warmest wishes for a wonderful New Year!
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