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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Im gonna say I must have gotten almost as much as Scott. I actually started as rain. Lots of water content. I must have not paid attention very well because for some reason i thought it would be a drier snow. I hovered around 32-34 all day. My south facing driveway, FTMFW!!! The plow pile sucked. It was a sponge that absorbed all the water from the snow melt running down the side of the road
  2. Well, it was beautiful for a brief moment this morning, but we had some wind gusts, and the temp right around 32, the snow has come off the trees. It was a nice little event
  3. I have to say, right now is what I envision a classic winter scene to look like. The snow is caked on everything. It is beautiful. It took all the way until March 2nd to finally get here.
  4. Yup, it sure is. The employees of The Yellowstone Club get passes to Big Sky because they arent allowed to ski/ride at Yellowstone Club for recreational purposes. TYC, sets aside one day per year for employee use. The rest of the time they ski/ride Big Sky.
  5. My friend is a lift electrician for the Yelliwstone Club in Big Sky. He loves Big Sky!
  6. People are angry, over 1.5k fb comments
  7. Wow, what an asshole move. Another reason why it sucks so bad to be an employee...company owners making the huge profits, abuse their employees and suck the life out of everyone for the sake of big profits. Funny thing is, if you treat your employees with respect and offer flexibility so employees can deal with everyday life and not have to worry about losing their job or a paycheck, you create a positive work environment and a productive work environment.
  8. They have some snow making. From what I gather, Tenney is just a small piece of a much bigger project. Mike Bouchard used to be more open about it on FB, but got scammed and then there was a legal battle. The restaurant is open and they have live entertainment. Im not sure where his funding comes from, but it may be related to when he was an engineer/rocket scientist working on gvt contracts. He is a pretty interesting dude. Def the type you want to sit and have a beer with and pick his brain.
  9. Burlington Free Press reportung Jay Peak will be up for sale in a few weeks
  10. That's an oops. Tenney mtn also had a snowmaking oops. One of their snow guns got launched like a rocket when they turned on their snow making system
  11. https://liftblog.com/2018/12/15/big-sky-doppelmayr-christen-ramcharger-8/ And Saddle Back can't get any love...
  12. Well, they are a smaller budget operation and it is so hard for for ski rsorts to not operate in the red
  13. I saw pictures on Cannons FB page from the summit. Absolutley stunning!!!
  14. Cannon is my fav, such a pretty area and the people are amazing
  15. @Skivt2 Killington is opening this weekend! Are you going?
  16. Big Sky is trying like heck to finish construction of their Ram Charger 8- largest capacity lift in NA, and first of its kind...they finished installing the towers. But the first big winter storm is moving in. They usually dont open until Thanksgiving, but they are quickly running out of time. My buddy works as a lift electrician for the private Yellowston Club. He told me the Ramcharger 8 is behind schedule.
  17. The only thing i could find was from the end of June. Once Majella was charged with fraud, the nonprofit strepped back into the game of trying to acquire saddleback
  18. I enjoy following Tenney Mtn and Mike Bouchard on FB. Hope he is successful!
  19. Dammit, I was hoping the Balsams would be a go. Also this summer, the CEO of the Australian investor Group- Majella, that bought Saddleback in ME, was arrested for investor fraud. So...the ressurection of Saddleback is teetering on the edge of destruction...however, the non-profit group that was founded with the intention of trying to buy Saddleback, is now back in the game....fingers crossed, such a great place to ski!
  20. Ray took some live video via FB yesterday and it shows how deep the snow is with his ruler, and it also shows how much is piled up cars etc...it is a great visual reference
  21. I think you should share your pics and live video with Harvey and Eric so that they can get a visual.
  22. Blue Hills had a weather conference that winter. My friend and I went, and that's where I met scituatewx. Paul Kocin was there. We all went up to the observatory and my friend and I hung out with Kocin and watched the radar, and basically cried together. If there had been a bar in the observatory we would have been drunk.
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