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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Hey all, i found your dews and your summer...come to Nashville
  2. Ok, I'm pretty sure the HHH of TN is going to kill me. All my life I have lived in places that have wind. I lived in the intermountain west/great basin/colorado plateau areas, and even the mojave desert for a time. So much wind! And of course living in plymouth near the water the wind was constant. I remember thinking to myself on many occasions, can it just stop being fooking windy, for once??? And then I moved to Nashville, and the heat indices are 95-100 everyday...and are going higher, along with the dew points, and there is NO WIND here. It is just stifling and hard to breathe. Standing still causes a plethora of boob and buttcrack sweat...and now I keep asking the universe ever day for some fooking wind...
  3. Oh god, Im going to DIE in Nashville
  4. I figured somebody jumped on that one
  5. Y'all should come to Nashville. I found your heat and humidity!
  6. Euro got an upgrade on June 11th...I read some of the article, but as written, it was a bit over my head...need someone to read it and translate for me
  7. Hey, we dropped into the 40s last night in Nashville!
  8. Cross your fingers for Saddleback!!! New article out today that there is a very solid buyer, Arctaris, which specializes in funding business opportunities in innercity and rural areas...Arctaris offered to purchase the mtn for well over the amount of debt the Berrys carry on the mtn...Arctaris has stated it would use its own capital to purchase Saddleback and does not need to take advantage of any special tax offerings or any commitment of funding from the community...
  9. Basically the first half of may in nashville was cool with lots of clouds and showers. Then the second half of May the death ridge centered itself right over my fanny, and we flipped highs in the upper 60s, to two weeks of mid and upper 90s with a dewpoint of atleast 70. Normal high for the second half of May is 81. No storms at all here because of the position of the ridge. Now we are back to more normal temps, but still no precip in the forecast...maybe next week
  10. Omg, Bamboo is a disaster. Invasive species. It is easier to control in climates where the soil freezes for a certain period of time over the winter. But, borrowing from Jurassic Park, Life Finds A Way! My boss wants to plant some in the park here in Nashville. Oddly enough, the park was built on land owned by the Gordon Jewish Community Center. The Holocaust Memorial is maybe 20ft away from the park boundary. I am shocked this was approved as OK. So now the powers that be want to put up a vegetation wall...and they have settled on Bamboo...this is going to be interesting!
  11. I could send you some from Nashville, there are a ton down here
  12. 76 degrees today. Used the A/C in the car...it's coming...
  13. Full rainbow halo around the sun today. First time i have ever seen a complete halo...also might be the last time because i may have burnt my retinas
  14. Probably the safest way to be, there have been multiple incidents where insane forum members have stalked others at work...i swear, the entire world has lost its mind
  15. Jeezus, the cold front came blasting through so quickly, temp went from 67 to 47 in 30minutes or less. Officially leaf out in Nashville. The maples have noses or helicopters. Not all the trees have leafed out. Im not too good on my species yet, but lots of persimmon, hackberry, ash, and elm...with some maple and red oak. I'm dreading the summer dews tomorrow it's supposed to be a cold wind and temps in the 40s. The sun is strong. I keep forgetting to sunscreen my nose.
  16. I figured Nashville would be further along in the seasonal migration considering im probably 7hrs from the gulf coast. I had thought March in Nashville might match up to May in Metrowest 495 area in MA. But then i realized that Nashiville is in perfect alignment with troughs that drop south out of Canada. So I would say Nashville is only, at most, 5 weeks ahead. Maybe just 4. Leaf out hasnt happened yet. Some of the ornamentals are flowering, Ash leaf buds are swollen, maples are flowering, grass is greening up and dandelions are everywhere.
  17. I was on the mix side of the storm. Kingston had a 12.5 inches. I got about 4 inches of everything. Trying to get it off my driveway, i thought I might die. And that plow pile, for the love of god, it was the size of a 12 inch storm...i am def going to feel this in a few hrs
  18. That is literally sitting right on my house
  19. That is absolutely obscene. Is he wearing pants?
  20. Jeezus, at least 14 dead in the tornado outbreak at the southern end of this system
  21. Scott in Weymouth has stated he wont stay all snow, you are further north than me, ive got a southerly wind component. I can see plymouth out theough the cape is rain...
  22. 37 degrees near the kingston/plymouth line. Sitting in my car in wallyworld. Me thinks i need to ask my doctor for a stronger dose of thyroid meds...im too cold to get out of my car.
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