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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Gloria, April Fools Snow Storm, Monson/Rt 20 Tornado Top 3 Not sure I have 2 more. Non New England, I went through Super Typhoon Bart on Okinawa
  2. I love how the track has always bent away from cape cod, then bends back toward cape breton and then straight shot to newfoundland...and im not in MA anymore so i cant even claim it's my curse...
  3. I saw some eyewitness video of storm surge at least 25ft...im not sure of the elevation profile of Abaco but that would probably put most of the island under water
  4. Still 90+ fooking degrees Nashville...sigh...
  5. Last month, an entirely new round of hickory nuts started dropping. This new crop is getting annihilated by the squirrels. I never knew Hickories would produce two rounds of fruit. The ones I collected earlier and sent you, there was almost no squirrel interest. I guess the squirrels know the seasons will change soon and they are eating everything they can get their paws on.
  6. I also edited my post, lol. And i told you not to worry about shipping costs do you have a plan yet for your hickories?
  7. I think it is a cherry, the bark looks like individual blocks, the leaves are narrow and toothed and are a dark waxy green. The fruit looks like a wild cherry. Im most used to seeing black cherry in SNE, and prunus fasciculata out west...
  8. I won't be surprised if Josh doesn't make it, or he gets seriously injured.
  9. When I was on Parris Island, we had TS conditions that shut down training for 1 day but we didnt have to evac. I bet they are trying to decide if they need to pack up all the recruits and move them inland.
  10. Striped Maple : Reproduction A flowering striped maple. (Flickr user pverdonk, 2013). The striped maple is a flowering tree, or angiosperm. Interestingly, the striped maple can be either dioecious (only male or female flowers on an individual tree) or monecious (both male and female flowers on the same tree). When dioecious, this maple can also change from a male to a female tree. As an understory tree, it can sometimes get shaded out by other trees. In a last-ditch effort to propagate, the tree will change from male to female and put all of its energy into forming seeds.
  11. A few days ago in one of the other threads, i saw some of our mets posting about an north east turn and Dorian was not going to hit FL. I can't remember who all was posting that, but i do remember DIT chiming in and saying no turn, Dorian is heading straight for FL. Interesting now to see the newest model runs hinting at that recurve...we shall see
  12. The only way this conversation could have been more enjoyable...that it takes place live, in one night, at a g2g, while model watching an impending storm, with hot wings, and ginxy getting us free cake
  13. Any foliage pics yet? I know the bright green chloroplasts are fading...
  14. Some friends hiked up Katahdin this weekened said they experienced sleet. Brace yourselves weenies- Winter is Coming
  15. Reaching the point of no return in regards to Saddleback. Another wasted warm season means another winter of staying shuttered
  16. August is the month that @powderfreak will post pictures of the waning green foliage and the first splashes of real color. Can't wait!
  17. I need one of these in my life, ASAP!
  18. You guys arent going to like the heat coming. I havent had a break and it started down here in June. Heat indices constantly between 105-111. Working outdoors sucks, but I havent died yet
  19. I am so fascinated by the many different climate zones just in the US. Yall are having 30s and 40s for lows in July. Down here it has just been a huge stretch of daily heat indices 105-111, and no wind. The daily average for wind lately has been 5mph. It is unreal. Lows dont drop bloelow the 70s, and it is so sticky that with the AC constantly running, I cant see out my apartment windows in the morning from the condensation. You would almost think I'm in another country.
  20. If you Insta, follow the american chestnut project
  21. I need to follow this account. Was it tamarack who said 1 in every 4 trees used to be a chestnut? That statistic is correct. Our forests used to be drastically different. Southern New England used to be oak chestnut dominant...i wish i had a time machine to go back and see how the forests originally looked
  22. The really sad thing ive noticed down here is there are still chestnuts trying to grow. Most of them gave up the ghost long ago in New England. They seem to get in 2-4 years of growth down here before the blithe takes over. So sad, such gorgeous trees that got wiped out
  23. when i first gathered them they were all green
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