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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Bretton Woods Area picked up 18-24 inches, nice and light and easy to clean up. Same with Bartlett and North Conway. Wildcst reports 30inches at the base and more as you go up in elevation. Sunshine and blue skies all day today. Parking lots were packed at Bretton Woods, Attitash, and Cranmore. Ski it while you can!
  2. The snow is light and fluffy up this way. The wind is just starting to pick up now.
  3. Not S+ here either, but decent. Though the surprise 6 inches we got the other night, the rate was much more intense. Also far enough north that this snow is light and fluffy, and not heavy and wet. Very hopeful that there won't be many power outages up this way
  4. What does it look lite for Bretton Woods? I just got my generator wired into my panel box so, I'm ready...hopefully
  5. Picked up a surprise 5-6 inches last night. Would have been great if that happened during the "winter" part of winter. I am sooooo ready to get going through spring
  6. Well that was a surprise 5-6 inches The snowfall rate was intense for the first 1-2 hrs
  7. @Ginx snewxweren't you posting from Sunday River?
  8. I have zero knowledge of that winter. I graduated boot camp Dec 18th, took leave so I was home for Christmas, then went to Camp Lejeune for MCT and then finished off that winter in 29 Palms. I do remember the final few days of MCT a massive cold front went through and everything froze up. Living out in the field was brutal.
  9. Winds just starting ripping up here in north country
  10. The rescue/recovery efforts lasted well into the night. There have been too many backcountry deaths. But you can't stop people from doing the things that make them feel alive.
  11. Upslope started around 730pm. Snowing at a good rate
  12. I eyeballed around 6 inches and Alex confirmed with a text. Very very dense snow. Still getting precip but it's not 100% snow. Chickadees doing their cheeseburger calls, and some Redwinged blackbirds. Definitely spring snow
  13. Some very dense snow, but weird to have the chickadees doing their cheeseburger calls and Redwinged black birds all at the same time Definitely spring snow
  14. Forecast now changes to rain around 10am
  15. Very sleety here. Gusty winds. I hope everyone is hunkered down
  16. Nws just pulled the trigger on warning for the Bretton Woods area. But this is so elevation dependent, it could srillmonly be white rain. Or...it could be an epic pasting... I'd rather not lose power
  17. NWS just pulled the trigger on warnings for the Bretton Woods Area
  18. Based solely on how this winter has unfolded, im unsure if I have enough elevation for accumulating snow. Half of the storms have been snow, and half have been white rain. The maps being posted continually show a jackpot in my area. But past storms that ended up being white rain, the initial maps showed a lot of snow. Guess i just have to wait and see
  19. Curious how it plays out where I live. The past elevation events- half I got accumulating snow, and half I got white rain. I really have no idea how this unfolds. All those maps being posted snow a jackpot right over my area, but do I have enough elevation to get accumulation?
  20. Quite the rapid melt down where I live. Ground is thawing and snow is down to a few patches in my yard. Rivers are filling. Dirt roads are a disaster right now. DOT has had to come out twice and fix the dirt road I live on. They have also put up the load limit signs that go up during mud season. Spring definitely arrived early. I'm not complaining. And I know there will still be snow. But this is definitely not winter anymore. We are definitely in spring now.
  21. Mud season is here,and the Carroll PD put up a post on FB saying the bears are awake and active. We've had a late start to the warm season the prior 2 years. It would be nice to have it start on time or maybe a little early this year
  22. We go from an unsatisfying winter, right into the wheel of doom and mud season
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