Dear god, I have no idea what bug I got, at first I just thought I was old...tired not a lot of energy. Then as the day went on i was light headed, hot and cold at the same time, and my skin hurt. I got to the end of the work day and I honestly could not stand up, I had 0 energy. So I popped some advil and sat on the couch at work for 30mins because I couldn't make it to my car. I just sat there and I remember talking to my legs trying to get them to stand me up and walk to my car, but my body was like nope we stay on couch. Eventually the advil kicked in and I drove home. But holy crap I can't stand up for long periods of time. My body just feels like a sack of dead weight. So I'm in bed, not moving at 730pm. But it's weird, I'm not congested, no cough, no sore throat, just no appetite, no energy, and cant keep a stable body temp.