Dang, winter sure is struggling to get going...no natural snow, and borderline snow making Temps coming up. Last year at this time, Bretton Woods had natural coverage,and snow making coverage and they were getting ready to fire up the Gondola
It's just relentlessly pouring and the winds are howling. Had some gloppy rain earlier. It looked like all rain, but when I was driving and using windshield wipers, it was actually slushy. I wonder what the presidentials will look like when this clears?
I finally have figured out how to delineate the start of NNE Cold Season and NNE Warm season:
It is officially Cold Season when my tire pressures sensors indicator light turns on. It is officially Warm Season when my tire pressure sensors indicator light turns off.
last 3 nights have bottomed out at 45-46 degrees.
The Bretton Woods Real Estate market is def a sellers market. Average time on the market for a property is 2 days, if it even makes it to being publicly listed