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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Sne weenies are so happy...for the most part. It's about time there was a legit storm to track. I love watching the bands develop on radar
  2. My car battery tells me this is the oldest night yet
  3. Cutter showing up in the long range. Im interested to see how it evolves.
  4. I was liking the above normal temps...
  5. This is the densest upslope I have ever witnessed. Also, this the greatest amount of upslope I have witnessed...so far...
  6. Oh god, this christmas's grinch storm was just the worst...it will definitely live in infamy
  7. Yep, we did hit the mid 30s. Glad you got a nice dumping. 10inches is a good score! We had almost 2 hrs of heavy snow, but I think even then it was 33 at parking lot/302 level. Quickly went to white rain. The sun came out at one point. Then we rained. Back to snow now but still above freezing.
  8. In BW, not quite high enough for this event. We prob got about 3 inches total. Only 2 good hours of near blizzard conditions and then it turned into white rain and then plain rain.. Im speaking for the rt302 area. Alex said mid mountain and top did well. I have yet to witness upslope that produces more than a dusting - 2 inches
  9. I drive by Zealand Campground every day on my to work. There are multiple trail heads from this campground that are very popular. Today there were a lot of cars parked at the gate and the thought that popped into my head was "Church"
  10. That little pink human is adorable, looks like a sea star!
  11. This is definitely not the year where a moose farts and we get 6 inches of snow
  12. So this may not be a great pattern for any kind of significant snow amounts....but I sure am glad we are not freezing our azzes off!
  13. Well, at least BW is back to making snow again
  14. Not a good winter pattern this year for synoptic or upslope.
  15. I'm happy to have the ground white again! This system underperformed here in Bretton Woods. After the Christmas storm, we basically had 0 natural snow. The snowmobile tours and Nordic center have been closed since. Having no natural base heading into January sure is weird
  16. What are we looking at in BW? 5-ish?
  17. Tylenol PM has the same antihistamine that is known as Benadryl- diphenhydramine. Tylenol PM is Acetaminophen + Diphenhydramine
  18. I always start my night with 2 benadryl...I debated taking more, but I may not get up for work, so I crossed my fingers that doubling the amount of everything else I take would work...fail...very fitting way to spend my final day of 2020...feeling like death
  19. Ugh, I hate insomnia...2hrs of sleep, and I've been wide awake since 130am. I tried taking an extra dose of my melatonin and my CBD with camomile and tryptophan, no joy...
  20. I kinda feel responsible for the crap winter last year, and this year...I spent the previous years reading Alex's posts and being amazed by his pics. I make the move up here, and BLAM, instantaneous regression!
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