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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Snow along the rt 302 corridor is melting fast. Those 2 days we had in the 60s, especially the over night where it stayed above 50 really primed the pack and got the melting started. Even though it went back to cold weather, the sun is doing a good job. Today was light rain and damp all day...
  2. I listened to 98.5 the first day the sports hub went on the air. I spent every commute to work listening to T and R. Didn't care for Gresh and Zo...though the Zo and Bertrand was an improvement. I also liked Felger and Mazz, though sometimes they were just too much and I had to turn them off. Never could do the night show or weekends on 98.5. The slow pace and mono-tone monologs just killed me. Then I moved to TN, and went right to Norther NH after. Haven't listened to 98.5 in about 2.5years...and the radio stations are crap up here...so I just never turn on my radio in the car, not worth it.
  3. This stuff is heavy. My windshield wipers were crying for their momma.
  4. Yep! We sure did, and it was magnificent!
  5. There is a push to get J and J Vaccines out to all VA Health Centers. I am on the waiting list. After all the shots you get in military, sometimes never really knowing what you're getting, I'm not scared of the Covid Vaccine. The only Vaccine so far that never worked for me was the chicken pox Vaccine. Had chicken pox twice, and as an adult, now I have recurring shingles. I asked about the Shingles Vaccine and the doctor told me my body just doesn't recognize that virus as a threat, so getting the Vaccine won't help, as my body won't build an immune response. I have a recurring prescription for an an anti-viral that I can take at the first onset of symptoms that helps with preventing the virus getting to the blister stage.
  6. 60s felt amazing. Glad to have them for 2 days. Will miss them. Hope they come back to visit soon!
  7. Wow is it warm and humid. Alot of melting going to happen.
  8. 35 at the base of BW, 40 at the top. Warm air finally arrived
  9. Rosebrook Lodge near the summit at the ski area reporting a temp of 27. Twin Mountain airport reporting a temp of 37. I went outside without a jacket
  10. I honestly have no idea where my brain was. Probably abducted by Aliens or something
  11. I'm not surprised I missed it. Apparently yesterday afternoon there was a pretty bad accident at the entrance to BW ski resort. The back wall of my office is one giant window and looks right out at the entrance to the ski resort and 302. I heard nothing, saw nothing, didn't even notice the emergency vehicles. The rapture probably could have happened and I would have been oblivious...
  12. Why must you crush my soul on a Monday morning???
  13. I dont have a clue when it comes to investing...first time in my life where I have extra to invest...it's just sitting in my regular account doing nothing
  14. My days off are Tues and weds, temps are looking good for some skiing. At this point in the season, I echo the sentiments of it not needing to be below zero or in the single digits anymore. Still not ready to say good bye to the snow. Im with Phin and would really like to enjoy one good synoptic event. But seriously, it can be a lovely winter day at 30 degrees!
  15. I can imagine PF or JSpin getting bored at Bretton Woods...well, maybe not bored because they are very good at appreciating all different experiences. BW def has long groomers and a perfect slope to entertain the majority of skiing abilities on the bell curve. But for skiers who def ski expert and beyond, I can see BW being on the tame side. I remember skiing with SkiMRG at Berkshire East. This dude drops out of helicopters in AK...he would just ski off into the woods even if it wasn't actually a trail and find some random drop or rock ledge to shoot off of. Those skiers don't find much enjoyment in long intermediate groomers
  16. For my limited skiing ability, conditions at Bretton Woods were pretty good! I'm impressed, Bretton Woods has a really good mtn Ops team compared to a lot of other ski resorts. I can imagine after the rain and then the wicked temp drop, the mtn must have been one giant glacier. They did a good job of grooming a lot of trails and getting them back to a packed powder layer
  17. March 2nd, 2010 we said farewell to Don Kent
  18. March 2nd, 2010 we said farewell to Don Kent
  19. Oh my goodness, just had to leave my room to turn in my rent check...was probably outside for 2 minutes...Holy crap it is cold!!!
  20. 37 degrees at work at the base of Bretton Woods
  21. Raining pretty good here in Twin. I was oblivious until I left my room to head to work and I opened the door and saw all the water. Oh goodness the parking lot is a mess! But I guess this is natures car wash!
  22. I'm not sure how "fun" 60mph is coupled with the term "arctic".
  23. Same up here. It was quite abrupt. One day I was outside and there was much more bird chatter and the songs had changed. Im glad you guys mentioned something. The NNE thread, they are still posting about deep deep winter. Yes, it's still winter in NNE, but the changes are noticeable.
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