Holy cow it is beautiful in Bretton Woods today. The black flies havent hatched so it is perfect to be outside. Once the black flies hatch, being outside turns I to a nightmare
@PhineasC I skied Deception Bowl and Darbys Drop, yesterday. They were in good condition. With no rain in the forecast, Bretton Woods should do just fine making it to April 11th snow wise. However, the Bethlem lift went down yesterday...only lifts open for remainder of season are Bethlehem and Learning Quad. If Bethlehem keeps acting up, I can see the resort calling it quits.
I'm sure we did, there wasn't that many people out there and we all were riding Bethlem. I saw a few family groups. I was skiing by myself 2/3 of the time, beginning 1hr or so my friend was with me. I took a few pics for a family at the top of Bethlehem, they wanted to get Mt Washington but couldn't do it as a selfie, so I helped them out. Would be funny if it was your family!
I peeked at Deception Bowl and Darby's drop since I ski past them doing Perimeter to Water Tank...they were still open...but I dare not venture on a lack Diamond...I'm not stupid!
Trust me, I get wanting to protect your personal info...but if you ever see someone on the slopes rocking a mean snow plow and a rather large blue down jacket...and No (ski) Poles...then you most def saw me
Skied at BW today. Such a lovely day to be out on the slopes. One of the runs from top to bottom, I didn't see a single soul. I hope to get another day out there tomorro!
Casualty in Townsend, MA. A tree landed on a 1yr old who was being carried by his father. Father survived but the baby didn't. Very sad. We had some strong gusts in BW. The Rt 3 corridor from Franconia Notch to BW was hit hard. Owner of the building I work in drives a big and heavy SUV and was blown into the opposite lane while driving, and they counted over 10 trees down on RT3 on the way to BW. I think if there had been leaves, there would have been widespread power outtages
Rain changed to snow here around 150pm for about 30mins...been back to all rain for a while at Rt 302 level.
Intense winds reported in Franconia Notch and the rt 3 corridor from BW to the Notch, reports of many trees down
Well the ski area took a beating...lots of brown patches showing on the natural snow trails...I'd like to at least get out there one more time before it closes for the season
Count me in the group that hates high dews...and the older I get, the less I can tolerate high dews...same with extreme cold...winter temps 25-30degrees are just fine.
The last warm spell, Alex skied with me and when we were up at the top of west mtn, he showed me the backside views of Zealand Valley, and then pointed off to the WNW and said, that's Mt. Mansfield way off in the distance, say hi to PF!