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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Happy moms day to all the mothers/wives/daughters in your lives, and dual role dads!
  2. Moderna #2 yesterday at 1115am. By 530pm I was exhausted. Woke up shivering uncontrollably at 345am. Took Advil. I keep hoping for special powers. Haven't been home to visit my parents in over a year. May 19th I'm considered fully vaccinated!!! Weeeeee!!!
  3. Alex reporting 1 inch of snow, happy May 1st. I'm staging a protest and not getting out of bed
  4. Oh my goodness, no thank you!!!!
  5. Today's weather just plain sucked. 40s and pouring rain all day. The river is really high right now, was looking at it when I was driving home from work. I just want it to be warm.
  6. Also, decent rain occurring in Bretton Woods.
  7. Omg, Deerflies are the worst!!! DEET works super well with me for mosquitos, and Lemon Eucalyptus helps with mosquitos as well. Unfortunately, DEET has never worked for me and blackflies. So my bug net just came in, and my lemon eucalyptus spray shipped and is enroute...I can't stand the getting bitten all over my ears, and those blackflies always try to get in my eyeballs and my nostrils...I hate hiking in backfly season. But this year I will be ready!!!
  8. I have a bug net and lemon eucalyptus spray ordered and should be delivered soon...black flies eat DEET for breakfast...the only thing that even remotely helps that I have found is Lemon Eucalyptus spray
  9. The COG is officially running Summitt trains to Mt Washington starting Saturday, does that mean it is officially Warm Season?
  10. Franconia is around 1000ft, BW around 1500ft
  11. Black fly hatch is starting. Was outside today in Franconia and 2 or 3 were trying to get at my eyeballs...not swarm season yet, but the early risers have hatched
  12. Awww, you and Eek are Fauci Ouchie buddies
  13. Upslope squalls all day so far...too bad this didn't happen during ski season. Blowing and drifting...Happy April 22nd!
  14. Omg, those pics are amazing. I love spring flowers
  15. Omg, this upcoming week looks hideous weatherwise
  16. Omg, lol, it's snowing. I really miss the warmer weather.
  17. At Rt302 level, we hovered between 33-35 degrees all day. I did clear 4 inches off my car this morning at 10am. Must have had a a decent band in the earlier morning hrs...it snowed all the rest of the day but didn't really accumulate. Also, Bretton Woods gets shadowed on an easterly flow.
  18. I'm thinking I get shadowed up here, but you should do well
  19. What are people's thoughts for the Bretton Woods area?
  20. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. The heavy wet snowstorm in October knocked out power here. Def was a Birch Bender. We don't have leaves yet but the poplars put out their Catkins and the rest of the trees the buds are swelling...just a tad more surface area for snow to stick to...
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