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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. 41 degrees feels like spring! So much better than yesterday
  2. Went home to Plymouth, MA to finally have Christmas with my family. Looking forward to WAA and temps climbing to 40 tomorrow.
  3. Freezing rain in BW and the mountain is making snow at the same time...I see how 2022 is going to go...well played 2022, well played
  4. Oops, I scared it away...not long after I posted the snow lightened up significantly
  5. Snowing harder now than during the synoptic part of the storm
  6. The wind is ripping up here. The current temp/elevation profiles are fascinating
  7. The temp profile is pretty fascinating here. In whitefield and Littleton temps are around 20 degrees. Coming up in elevation Alex, Phin, and I are 40-ish and the wind is howling
  8. I use the weatherbug app on my phone for temps. I was so confused seeing all the water drip off my roof but the weatherbug app says the temp is 16 degrees. Now it makes sense if the temp is actually in the low 40s
  9. Damn, Vail owned Ski Areas in NH are just utter disasters- Wildcat, Attitash, Crotched....barely any snow making, not being able to open, not getting lifts up and running, opening but the mysteriously shutting down for "lift maintenance"..
  10. WWA for freezing rain, was not expecting that
  11. Alex measured .7inches of snow Nice mood event here. The last two Christmas have been above 60 and pouring rain. Last Christmas we were making trips outside to check on the level of the Ammonoosuc because there was a high probability of flooding
  12. We did have sleet and freezing rain, my car windows are glazed over
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