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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. It's never too late- I believe I have a picture of you in one of my dresses if you would like to build your account.
  2. Snow squalls today. Had some good wind gusts yesterday afternoon and into the evening. Lots of small tree branch pieces in the roads and my little corolla was getting pushed around while I was out running errands. Power flickered a lot. But all good now. Just cold and breezy with squalls
  3. Wind advisory on effect up here... Yay
  4. Happy Eat a Metric Shit-Ton day!!!
  5. I think she hiked most of the 48 during warm-ish/calm weather. I don't think she had any cold weather hiking experience. She was from MA and would drive up when it fit her schedule and do day hikes and check some peaks off the list. I honestly don't think she realized at all how drastic the weather deteoriates as you go up in elevation. Her family and friends also didn't understand because she had arranged for her mom to drop her off and her dad and best friend to pick her up. That is 3 other people who thought everyrhing would be fine. All around tragic. I had hoped for a better outcome. But I knew they weren't going to find her alive. It was cold and windy and snow-squally at my elevation and the temps and wind just got worse as the day went on. There is a misconception in the flat-lander population that 4000ft is just a big hill, that will get you out of breath but will give you good views- but 4000ft isn't nearly as high as Mt Washington so the weather will be fine.
  6. 19, her 20th birthday is today. She was trying to finish the NH 48 before her birthday. Just tragic. She was completely unprepared for the weather conditions. Ugh, I see that all the time. People think they can hike up to the ridge line in khaki shorts, flip-flops, and a 16oz water bottle.
  7. Missing hiker in Franconia Notch. She was dropped off at Lafayette Place Campground to hike Lafayette Haytack and Flume yesterday morning. Her ride went to the meet up parking lot around 4pm. Waited...she never showed, so they called in a missing hiker report. 3 SAR Teams went out last night after dark...no word yet
  8. Missing hiker in Franconia Notch. She was dropped off at Lafayette Place Campground to hike Lafayette Haytack and Flume yesterday morning. Her ride went to the meet up parking lot around 4pm. Waited...she never showed, so they called in a missing hiker report. 3 SAR Teams went out last night after dark...no word yet
  9. I was watching the snow fall while watching football, and I thought to myself- Alex must be loving this I got new flood lights for the outside so I can sit on my couch and watch the snow out my windows
  10. Rain now, but nice to see the snow. Bretton Woods was running the snow guns. Will pick up again once temps drop
  11. Drive safe, I just looked out my window and noticed it is snowing. No idea when it flipped
  12. Doing some changes to the house. Bought a pellet stove to supplement the propane heating system. I can't take credit for any house upgrades, I panic when I have to change a battery in a smoke detector. The house only had a subfloor when I bought it. My partner, who can basically build a house from the ground up, is making all the upgrades. He laid flooring down in the section where the pellet stove sits. We unboxed it, and he vented it to the chimney. Fires it up and smoke poured out the side vents. We shut it down and my partner took the sides off and checked all the seals and gaskets. Brand new pellet stove, just picked it up this past Thursday- two of the gaskets are sliced, so the smoke can escape from the firebox and then exits side vents. I gotta run to Lowes and pick up some of that high heat silicone gasket maker stuff. Going to try to seal the gaskets and see if it holds. There used to be a coal/wood stove with a vent set up to the chimney, but we wanted to go pellet stove instead. Going to store the coal/woodstove in the basement until we decide what to do with it. It's actually an antique. Not sure where the prior owner found it. It was made by the Orbon Stove Company- it's a huntsmen 236 model. It barely looks like it was ever used and I think it was made before 1930. It's a cool looking hybrid stove. I'd like to get a value on it, but not even sure how to find someone who can evaluate it
  13. I checked weatherbug when I woke up this morning and saw 18 degrees. I never asked Alex what his station measured...ugh...I don't like it at all!
  14. Snow making weather, incoming... Ugh!!! Time to move away
  15. 68 degrees at 1045pm on Nov 5th, I love it!!
  16. 68 degrees on Nov 5th at 1045pm, that's gotta be a record for up here
  17. I love this weather. I wish it would stick around a little longer
  18. Use a spray bottle with just soap and water. Spray any connection or area you suspect might have a leak. If there is a leak, when you spray it, it will produce soap bubbles
  19. So, yesterday I discovered I had a propane leak at the outside gas regulator at the house and one of my tanks. One of my greatest fears is "things that go boom". The tech came and fixed/checked everything so all good now. But- I have to admit, my brain did produce thoughts such as- Oh god, what if I breathe and make a spark??? Or what if the wind blows a leaf and it makes a spark???
  20. Same up here. We keep getting swarms hatching and then getting in the house. I suck them up in a hand vacuum and then go across the street and empty them out. Thwy are soooo annoying!!!
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