Doing some changes to the house. Bought a pellet stove to supplement the propane heating system. I can't take credit for any house upgrades, I panic when I have to change a battery in a smoke detector. The house only had a subfloor when I bought it. My partner, who can basically build a house from the ground up, is making all the upgrades. He laid flooring down in the section where the pellet stove sits. We unboxed it, and he vented it to the chimney. Fires it up and smoke poured out the side vents. We shut it down and my partner took the sides off and checked all the seals and gaskets. Brand new pellet stove, just picked it up this past Thursday- two of the gaskets are sliced, so the smoke can escape from the firebox and then exits side vents. I gotta run to Lowes and pick up some of that high heat silicone gasket maker stuff. Going to try to seal the gaskets and see if it holds.
There used to be a coal/wood stove with a vent set up to the chimney, but we wanted to go pellet stove instead. Going to store the coal/woodstove in the basement until we decide what to do with it. It's actually an antique. Not sure where the prior owner found it. It was made by the Orbon Stove Company- it's a huntsmen 236 model. It barely looks like it was ever used and I think it was made before 1930. It's a cool looking hybrid stove. I'd like to get a value on it, but not even sure how to find someone who can evaluate it