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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. I'm headed to Laconia. Temp is up to 38 degrees and rain showers around exit 27
  2. Yep, we get skunked by shadowing and subsidence. We got around 8 inches. 2-3 yesterday and then 4-5 overnight
  3. No big totals here in Bretton Woods. Probably had around 2-2.5inches by 8pm. Steady light snow over night that brought another 4 inches.
  4. No big totals here in Bretton Woods. Probably had around 2-2.5inches by 8pm. Steady light snow over night that brought another 4 inches.
  5. Still not much happening here. If you look at the radar you can see how the echoes lighten up as they cross the white mtns. Shadowing/downsloping in full effect.
  6. I will go on a recon mission and abscond with your snow gun
  7. Mostly light snow. Had about an hr of moderate snow, I guesstimate an inch to an inch and a half. I'm using my porch railing.
  8. Mostly light snow. Had about an hr of moderate snow, I guesstimate an inch to an inch and a half. I'm using my porch railing.
  9. Bretton Woods getting shadowed right now. Started around 8am-ish. Just light snow. I saw Gene posted about having 6 inches already and Pickles posted about heavy snow in Phins area. Will be interesting to watch the evolution play out
  10. Bretton woods is getting shadowed. So far just light snow. It started around 8-815ish this morning
  11. Ski season and sled season about to kick it into overdrive!
  12. Friday, tentative plans with my BFs fam- maybe doing an early dinner and then catching a movie. But...I guess I may not want to be out on the roads, so who knows...right now early dinner is still on. BF has a truck, so that's at least better than my corolla. Gotta wait and see how bad things get. It just may be a good day/evening to just hunker down at home and not risk being out on the roads. Will prob need to go grocery shopping before Friday as well. Gotta get the bread and milk
  13. Looking at all those snow fall maps, the thing I noticed is that sharp cutoff up here. Rt 302 in Twin runs pretty much east/west and then approaching the Notch it oriented more N/S as it runs through Crawford Notch. It is sloped as well. It's a lower elevation right in Twin at the intersection of RT3 and RT302 it is steadily uphill until right before the entrance to Crwford Notch at the AMC Highland Center. The land also narrows as you go from Twin towards the Notch. Essentially RT 302 runs along a narrowing valley. It gets shadowed by the Whites and it also floods with warm air during marginal events (relatively speaking) and that is why there is a sharp cut off in accums. I'm actually wondering what we will get here in Bretton Woods. This depicted track looks like it might bury Phin and RT2 corridor, but could shadow here along RT302.
  14. Well, with the SNE weenies having a melt, I assume Friday looks good for us up here?
  15. Finally, after almost 3 months, my septic tank was replaced today!!! I am so relieved and happy. 3 months of living with a partially collapsed tank and an open hole in the ground, has come to an end. They also found the original cast-iron pipe from the house to the tank had a plastic connector piece that disintegrated and was tangled in a tree root. I had 2 blockages in the past year so now I know why. My 2 propane tanks also sat right over where the bad connector was and a sink hole was starting to develope. I had the tanks moved end of October because they were in the way of where the excavator needed to dig. I can only imagine more of the ground collapsing and my propane tanks falling into the open septic pit... I lucked out big time! Very grateful the winter has started off slow!
  16. Omg, the house would just start popping every night. Some were really loud and intense. The snow would get really dry and squeaky and the inside of your nose would just freeze up instantly
  17. 49 degrees, good consistent wind gusts, breaks of sun...had a huge rainbow in the back yard. I'll take any help I can get with the heating bills- last winter up here we had a ridiculous stretch of cold weather- a long string of at least -20 for lows. -30s for lows was common. I think stations up here and north were hitting the -40s at times.
  18. Holy crap, the weather Channel is now offered on Hulu Live Weeeeeeee!!!!!
  19. I'm fine with this docile start to December. My septic tank partially collapsed mid September and I've had a hell of a time finding someone to come replace it. The septic guy had come to pump and was digging up the cover when it collapsed. Poor guy almost went swimming but he managed to jump to stable ground as it gave way. Finally think I've found someone- tentatively this Friday! It will be a relief to finally get this taken care of. (Old steel 750 gal tank- house was built in 65 so I can imagine it's the original tank. The plumbing has been updated in the house, except for the cast iron pipe that runs from the house to the tank. That will be replaced as well. It keeps getting blocked- yay for NH and no septic regulation- Live Free or Die)
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