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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Light snow, everything coated and white again
  2. Does anyone know if any of the ski resorts have had any small win dows to make snow since Christmas time frame? MLK weekend is fast approaching and it doesn't look like there will be spectacular amounts of terrain open at any ski resort
  3. I think the last time the sun was fully out up here was just before Christmas. I was only just remembering recently that one of the things that was mentioned once I had decided to attend Lyndon State College was how cloudy it was during the winter. It was mentioned on all the campus tours. Guess that is the one thing that hasn't changed
  4. If you can't beat em, join em! Pina Coladas for everyone!
  5. 38 degrees, my dirt driveway has tire ruts averaging 6 inches deep. Natural snow is long gone. This really feels like mud season.
  6. I mean, did he run himself over with his own plow truck? Sounds like he will eventually be ok so that is good.
  7. Oh man, this can't be good at all. Looks like the game will be called off.
  8. I guess the silver lining, he had immediate medical attention and well equipped medically trained individuals that started administering life saving measures ASAP. I am hoping for a good outcome. Will say a prayer for the young man.
  9. Jeezus, I was watching the replay. It happens in baseball where a player takes a ball to the chest and it stops their heart. The players definitely collided, can't quite tell if would be blunt force trauma enough to disrupt heart rhythm, or maybe an aortic torsion? Or maybe he had an undiagnosed heart issue?
  10. Holy crap- watching MNF- what a tragic situation. Hoping for the best, but it doesn't seem like a good outcome
  11. Not going to say it hasn't "torched" here...but it didn't turn out as bad as I thought. By all means, it was not good. I just thought the temps were going to be higher. I think we had 1 day in the 50s. Lots of 40s and 30s and even a dusting of snow overnight. The rain sucked, and overnight lows staying above freezing- I guess those were the two worst take-aways
  12. Not going to say it hasn't "torched" up here...but it didn't turn out as bad as I thought. By all means, it was not good. I just thought even up here the temps were going to be higher. I think we had 1 day in the 50s. Lots of 40s and 30s and even a dusting of snow overnight. The rain sucked, and overnight lows staying above freezing- I guess those were the two worst take-aways
  13. Hey, Mercury Retrograde ends on my birthday- Jan 18th- I'm sure that could indicate something apocalyptic is going to happen
  14. I have a flock of around 14 turkeys- they are wild, but they seem to like to hang at my property. They were all wondering the yard today...didn't give a care in the world about the crazy weather.
  15. The wind and rain ramped up again here. Just been pouring since the changeover. I think we got around 3-5 inches of snow before the change over. Power went out for 30mins due to branches on a line but the tree guys and linemen are out working to get people back up and running. The river is way up. I'm getting real nervous for Alex.
  16. Power back. Gotta give credit to the tree guys and linemen that go out and work in these conditions. At least right now it is 50 degrees.
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