I don't control Forky. But like I said, the snowfall totals map should be fascinating.
...Hartford County...
1 E Southington 9.4 in 0125 PM 01/29
3 ENE East Windsor 7.5 in 0310 PM 01/29
2 N Glastonbury 7.0 in 0233 PM 01/29
Bradley AP 4.0 in 0103 PM 01/29 ASOS
...Tolland County...
1 ESE Coventry 10.0 in 1249 PM 01/29
1 NW Andover 7.0 in 0130 PM 01/29 Public
4 WNW Coventry 7.0 in 0134 PM 01/29
1 NNE Somers 6.0 in 1250 PM 01/29
5 E Rockville 6.0 in 0201 PM 01/29
Storrs 5.0 in 0209 PM 01/29 Trained Spotter