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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. ineedsnow should be required to stand outside in his underwear the entire storm
  2. Good, send it back to the atmosphere
  3. Interesting, thanks. That's like one mile from me. not gonna lie, i just looked outside this morning and eyeballed it
  4. Even back here, going on 36 hours of snow
  5. GFS is trying to turn the corner next week
  6. Gefs looked pretty nice for a week from now, not so flat like the OP
  7. At least the ones after warm sector us lol
  8. Tuesday wouldn't be big, or for you m
  9. Trying to bring back Tuesday though...the kevin coop
  10. It's like an hour behind current radar, do you think it's some kind of assimilation issue with something that they do with the off runs?
  11. The comment was made very early in the run, about the very early frames being wack. Which they were
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