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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. Yeah, they make ones that have a bent handle too, kind of like a curved shaft string trimmer. Of course, if he doesn't have one, doesn't do him much good now.
  2. angry parents breaking wrists and ankles as they slip and fall in their attempt to bumrush the superintendent's office
  3. That heavier stuff down by the carolinas/VA should work its way through
  4. What did they do, put some lipstick on an ARW core?
  5. This is severely bad. FV3 needs to go back to the drawing board.
  6. Anyone want to take a stab at which is correct? Need to advise someone on when to travel.
  7. So does everyone else with a job, but most people get 2 weeks and the federal holidays.
  8. I can get to it using the URL but I wonder why it doesn't show up on the map
  9. I don't personally remember any, no. I can certainly see how it would be a catastrophic event from a travel perspective, and worthy of lots of caution. Just seems they don't often work out.
  10. I got a lot of confused looks on this post the first time around. But it was always so. This is how winter works in SNE.
  11. Could be worse. You can still roll around in that.
  12. Knew there was something like this that solidified flash freeze's spot on the fraud five
  13. Not worth it to keep this dirty crusty garbage at this point. Spring soccer before you know it!
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