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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. It's also the kind of dynamic in which a place like DC or RIC often needs
  2. Congrats - doesn't really count if you do it yourself though
  3. So what's the latest with this little bitch? We getting some mood snow or what?
  4. Appreciate the response. I did attempt to use opengrads but the stupid turtle kept crashing on me whenever I would generate a CONUS map, so I'm basically having some fun recreating the wheel.
  5. 500mb heights - today's 6z Euro at hr 90 vs today's 0z Euro at hr 96 I downloaded grib files directly from ECMWF (so lower res version) Need to figure out how to add labels and such
  6. Agree to the bolded part, but also the italicized part is basically giving you an extra week or two padding if accurate. But down here where Wolfie is, it's right around the turn of the month, maybe after the first week, that it starts becoming more likely that you aren't going to be able to maintain a pack for long. Right, I don't think that's inconsistent with what I'm saying - not for @WinterWolfin Southington, CT. If we are talking a difference of a week, I don't think I was trying to be that precise...he said "months left of winter" and I'm saying "nah son, it's called spring." It still snows in spring. But in most of CT, maintaining a pack in spring, even early spring, for an extended period of time (like for 2 weeks) is difficult and gets exponentially more difficult each week you go past March 1st. And while it might snow, you are still going to get a DD day or two that makes you remember that this snow-loving hobby is really just a way to get through winter with your sanity. Always exceptions to the rule, definitely.
  7. We are less than a month from meteorological spring. Snow in March isnt the same as snow in January...whatever falls in March has an expiration date of under a week.
  8. It's actually my 1/7 layer that is holding out lol. But soon, thank god. Upcoming week looks great.
  9. I reverted back to python, having some limited success making my own GFS and euro maps from the raw data. Need to figure out if I can do anything useful though.
  10. a 192 hour clown map using clown ratios
  11. Glad to see ineedsnow teaching coastalwx about the existence of soundings. Must be looking good.
  12. Looks like those upper levels finally cooled off, and just in time!
  13. This is why it's hard to care about this one. Would need to create its own cold air, and it needs so much work to become that level of storm.
  14. Does anyone here mess around with GRIB data at all? I got the urge today to try to match up GFS temps to actual observations from the RTMA to see just how bad it was. But it was a little funky trying to match up the grid resolutions and also the GFS is apparently terrible with surface temps over water (that, or the RTMA data is bad for that) so I have to filter my coordinates a little better. But it was interesting...as you might expect, it busted badly on the cold side over land. Need to do a little more validation, might play with it some more over the weekend. Graphing it is a whole other story too...I did initially play around with some prebuilt stuff but I eventually gave up on that, and on python, and fell back on my reliable old self-taught .NET so I'm sure I'm recreating the wheel on a bunch of stuff. At least there was a nuget wrapper available called grib.api. The cool thing is that all the weather models and agencies seem to use it. Although trying to work with RAP data was giving me fits.
  15. I'm not convinced I will ever go below 32F again. Ever.
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