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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. If we smoke subsidence, someone will point out how the models hinted at it. If we get nailed with deformation delight, someone will say models hinted at that too.Doesn't really matter...18" is about our floor in this. And that's f***ing sick.
  2. The GFS is still ridiculously different for areas just NW of NYC.
  3. Why would anyone look at the NAM right now with its run to run continuity of 0 covered in sht.
  4. What are you kidding, how is that spiking footballs or rubbing it in? They just crashed the board for pete's sake.
  5. Messenger, the CFI was brought up by WPC repeatedly. I'm not sure I buy it, but that's why it is being honked.
  6. Me too, I'd be fine with the NAM verifying for MBY lol. That doesn't mean it doesn't suck for this purpose.
  7. Look at the h5 ridge out west on the GFS. Despite the change in the surface depiction out east, the ridge has gotten sharper each run since 6z...and at 18z it's still not quite as sharp as the Euro was at 12z.
  8. I remember that storm, but it sounds like you are saying that it will do the same because the last one did. Not sure that stands to reason.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised by a slight tick east...but cave to the NAM, I highly doubt.
  10. Well geez guys, which model HAS shown continuity then? Oh wait...
  11. E CT didn't get anywhere close to that. We only lost power for a few days. Except Glastonbury...
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