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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. I'd feel a little bit better about it if the 0z ukmet verified.
  2. Thanks, I'm legitimately down about it. My girlfriend wanted to take off the 3rd week in August but I figured the earlier the better.
  3. Either way, I picked an awful week for a staycation
  4. It depends on how you grow them. If you remove the suckers then you can have plants closer together without overcrowding, and that can also make sense from a disease management perspective (less foliage on each plant). But suckers on tomato plants don't actually suck any energy from the plant and they become fruit-bearing growth stems themselves. So all things being equal, a plant that hasn't been pruned will produce more lbs of fruit than one with the suckers removed, by a considerable amount.
  5. Shiiiiit. I'll play with you next time. Maybe even golf.
  6. New covid rule - pick it up, it's good.
  7. I never pull the pin anymore
  8. If next winter is anything like last one and we don't get a decent late fall, then maybe longer for some of us!
  9. Lol at Kevin quibbling about 990' vs 1000' when he's actually at like 970'.
  10. Lol what? It's not like it ain't true. Cold days bad. Warm days good.
  11. It dumped dendrites last night, but only managed to accumulate an inch. The surface was just too warm. Although on the other side of the hill in Hebron to my west, at similar elevation (actually slightly higher) they literally had 0. Did east slopes do better as a whole?
  12. Cuts back on the southern edge, so did HRRR. As BOX thought.
  13. Lol that's not even the right color. Ha
  14. Just let it go. He is wherever the darkest color is.
  15. Yeah that's kind of a concern, but falling overnight will help us here.
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