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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. 80/75 at 9:20am. Impressive (opressive?).
  2. Tons of everything this year. Dews, acorns, heaters, mushrooms, deer flies, floods, bears.... Big Un's!!!
  3. Lots of reading and YouTube videos. Plus, I only pick mushrooms that are super easy to identify - as in they have no serious lookalikes. Oyster Mushrooms are the white ones and Chanterelles are the orange in these pics. There are some mushrooms that look kinda similar but the details are really easy to distinguish.
  4. Yep! Delicious in stir fry with pork, veggies, and other mushrooms.
  5. Love this mushroom weather. Dews every day. Currently 75/69
  6. Got stung 12 times by the motherf*ers over 4th of July weekend. Big ass nest in the ground. Sprayed an entire 17.5oz can of Raid down the hole. 81/72 currently.
  7. Felt pretty good at Misquamicut today. Tons of people in the water.
  8. Just signed up with Constellation Energy for 8.59c/kwh for 24 months. Way better than Eversource rates. 75/69 currently
  9. Non-stop lightning flashes as this line moves into New London county. Very impressive.
  10. Hammonasset Beach and Ocean Beach are fantastic if all you want to do is sit in some beautiful sand and people watch. But if you want to actually go in the water and enjoy some waves, etc...Rhode Island (and east) is the place to go. (Note Ocean Beach is highway robbery for parking, but they do have excellent facilities - Arcade, mini-golf, volley ball nets, etc...)
  11. About 3 rumbles of thunder and 10 minutes of rain. Garden is happy.
  12. Interior CT and north have been getting the heaters. SE CT, not so much
  13. Made it over 90 for the 2nd time this year. A couple 89's on Sunday and Monday and 91 today. Summah!!
  14. Quite the cool interaction from the outflows...
  15. On and off rain showers since 8am. 75/74. moist.
  16. We get small amounts of them in the woods around here. Usually around 2nd week of July or so. Hot and humid this coming week should be good for them.
  17. Heavy rain and some rumbles of thunder. Looks like the meat of it is passing to my south though. Good drink for the garden.
  18. Don't know if it'll make it back to Cat 3...but mid coast definitely looks good.
  19. Pretty interesting. Beryl is a clear outlier for this time of year.
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