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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. Impressive cool shot today. 65/47 @ 1:27pm with plenty of sunshine. Looking forward to warming up again as the week goes on.
  2. Looked impressive on radar, but pretty meh overall. Just ~20 minutes of heavy rain and temp dropped 6 degrees. Nice Seahorse over Block Island though...
  3. Hit 72 today. Now 71/46 should get a bit chillier tonight than last. 42-43 maybe. Don't mind the cooler air, but the clearly shortening days suck balls.
  4. 83/73 Feels like Summah!! Get out there and soak it in!!
  5. Loch Ness monster? Could be anything....lol.
  6. Storms and dews sounds pretty decent to me, as long as we can get some partial sunshine during the day too.
  7. Amazing. Back to back 48's down here. Not quite, but almost fall like. Looking forward to the heat returning over the next few days and dews next week.
  8. https://www.killington.com/media-room/press-releases/killington-pico-sold-local-investors
  9. Nice crisp 48 this morning when I left the house at 5:15. Beautiful day full of COC ahead!
  10. Nice storm just came through. Lot's of lightning and big rumbles. Good stuff.
  11. Okay, would rather not do a repeat of yesterday over my house instead. We'll see how the day progresses. So far doesn't look like it'll have the same training/backbuilding power.
  12. All depends on where in New England you were. Gloria was 10x more exciting than Bob in southern New London county.
  13. From radar it looks like Westerly and the beaches are getting hammered.
  14. Damn, the good CT storm headed off to my east. Can hear tons of thunder from it.
  15. At my house too. Killed 3 tiny white faced nests early in the year and another big one at the end of July. Found another random one about head high in the middle of the woods when searching for mushrooms. Also killed a yellow jacket nest (the fuckers got me 12 times).
  16. Misquamicut with the Family on Saturday. Let's go!!
  17. Definitely felt chilly leaving after working up a sweat at cardiac rehab this morning.
  18. GWDLT 81/72 for the high here. Currently 68/66 and rain.
  19. Love these kinds of storms. Loud and deep, rolling BOOMS. Best storm of the year so far.
  20. Just starting to pop over Litchfield county.
  21. Nice storm lining up to hit me. Sky is black. 82/75
  22. Finally bagged another 90 today. 3 for the year. Back down to 89/75
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