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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. mid 40s to low 50s and a few inches of rain over 12+ hours would be perfect for SNE. Let's do it!!
  2. BLOWvember indeed. Power out since 3:50pm. Branches down somewhere on my road I’m sure. .
  3. Maybe some showers Sunday night into Monday AM. We'll see.
  4. Enough drought that we decided to let the last of the garden die from lack of water before we had our first frost. #steined
  5. Big ones, throwing big shit around...
  6. Round two of rain for today. Just a quick hitter this time.
  7. Rain and thunder. Stein taking a beating this morning.
  8. So far first day of Torchtober is mank and not torching.
  9. Yep, just cut some of these, Chicken of the Woods, for cooking this weekend. Had some Maitake (hen of the woods) earlier this week in stir fry. Been great mushroom weather all summer.
  10. She is cruising!! 6:20am center is on the border of Georgia and SC.
  11. You mean you're not excited about these two lemons???
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