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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. Severe warned for the storm over near Marlborough, CT. It's a noisy bugger....non-stop thunder for the past 30 minutes or so. Doesn't look like it's coming anywhere near mby; however.
  2. Incoming here. Severe warned for possible wind and hail.
  3. Might be some nice swell this weekend at RI beaches due to the system developing off the eastern seaboard. Looks like Saturday will at least be a good beach day.
  4. 72/68 and tropical showers down here. 58 would be nice.
  5. Almost feels like Florida here. Hot and humid, then a pop-up tropical shower for 10 minutes, and now the sun is back out and the humidity is even higher.
  6. Power restored at 12:22pm today. 5 days 20 hours. I feel bad for the people who still don't have power. Last night sleeping was a bit sticky to say the least.
  7. Generac 6500 gas genny. Have had it about 10 years now. Hook it up to a transfer switch when the power goes out. Runs like a champ. Have had to use it sooo many times. 9 days for Irene, 3 days for the Octobomb, 5 days for Sandy. Looking like this will be 5 days or more...fun times.
  8. This describes my house. Lots of work to do for minor (2 customers) gain. Tree still down on the wires although half the road has been cleared to allow car passage. At least the generator gives me power to the well pump, furnace, microwave, fridge, computer and internet. Amazingly the tree is resting on the Comcast cable and it still works.
  9. Power went out at 4pm. Then at 5:15 the pine tree in the neighbors yard decided to come crashing down across the road. Don’t mind the power outage as I’ve got the house up and running on genny, but lost 90% of the corn and even a couple of the bigger eggplants got blown over. Sad. Damage - .
  10. Fueled mine up yesterday and ran it for a bit. Gonna be some serious power outages in southern CT.
  11. Noisy little storm passing just to the south of home.
  12. Nice. Just missed me to the north. Gotta go water the garden now.
  13. Storms in SE CT just missed me to the north. Watering of the garden commencing.
  14. Nice drink for the garden again this morning. Happy vegetables.
  15. Woke me up at 4:40am. Tons of lightning, thunder and tropical downpours. Then I remembered I had left my car windows open a bit......sigh.....
  16. First rumble of thunder from the storms now firing north of Colchester, CT....headed my way soon. Hopefully without major hail.
  17. Amazing with all the convection around that it's managed to miss your area of the state almost every day.
  18. 1.44" of rain so far today. 6.82" since last Saturday and still coming down. Flood advisory up for mby.
  19. Another day another downpour. Buckets!
  20. Only .17" in last nights rain. 4.77" total Mon - Wed. A nice crisp morning 59 @ 5:30am
  21. 1.06" so far today. Another round of storms and heavy rain heading my way now. 4.60" total, Monday through thus far today....adding to it soon. wet.
  22. Torrential rain and a brief moment (less than 30 seconds) of pea sized hail.
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