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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. Futility records incoming! Let's do it!
  2. yeah...a week without power in the middle of winter is not my cup of tea.
  3. Took a tick off the doggo yesterday. Any temp above 50 and they pop right back out again. Even the 3ish days in a row we had below 30 degrees wasn't enough to kill 'em.
  4. I wonder what The Boston Globe was on about yesterday? Which is why I asked. Didn’t see any activity here so I figured it was safe to sleep.
  5. .4" of fluff earlier. Sun is out and it feels warm compared to the past few days. Nice day to wander the woods with the doggo.
  6. Surprised to wake up to 1" of fluff outside and still snowing lightly. Real winter vibes are better than barren brown but I still wish it was going to be warmer.
  7. Started snowing just as the sun set. Picked up about .25" Still pixie dust falling with the stars peaking in and out of the clouds. I'm sure just 10 minutes north of me in Colchester got a lot more as they had some on the ground already when I was up there at 3:30. Don't think we have anyone who reports totals from that area.
  8. light snow/sleet/graupel mix earlier. zero accums, but wasn't expecting anything. NOT looking forward to 20's for highs this weekend. Gotta move somewhere warmer.
  9. More days like this please. All the way through Tanuary and February and into Morch! That would be my perfect winter. Ya'll ski areas up north can have ALL the snow.
  10. Looking at radar, seems like RI and SE MA are the only ones who are going to get anything interesting this evening.
  11. Nice ~30mph gust in the past couple of minutes. Low roar in the tree tops. Rain, rain and more rain.
  12. Yep, a couple of good low roars outside in the past 10 minutes. Should be interesting when they start getting louder and longer.
  13. What the actual fuck????? That's beyond insane. For good 3-4 man team, two trees (depending on size) is maybe a days work to cut and clear. In actual weather news, wind starting to pick up. Might take down some of my trees for free later on.
  14. Great, right over my house. I'm sure we'll lose power later today. What time are we expecting the highest winds in SE CT?
  15. Don't need or want wind. Rain is fine, but even 20mph gusts knock out the power around here. The dead oaks along the road are a shit show.
  16. And I agree, the watered down article from Barrons is "garbage". But that's not what you wrote, nor what I took exception to. To quote you "Was it extremely consistent or did it waver back-and-forth and have a million different solutions? If that is the case then GARBAGE. That's no different than what models currently do." You're calling the AI "GARBAGE" in this sentence, but as noted in your subsequent post this particular implementation of AI is actually better at some things due to it's hybrid approach. Again, you're a smart guy just suggesting to temper your immediate knee-jerk distaste of AI reactions and read before you post. Genuinely best regards.
  17. I know from your past posts that this is your default knee-jerk reaction to any "AI" related weather posts, but you should really read the scientific paper before declaring this as just "GARBAGE". You're a smart guy, take the time to read and learn before making proclamations. If you took that time you'd know that this statement of yours; "The idea of being able to process data much more quickly is phenomenal but if I understand correctly, these AI models are not run with equations and physics...it just looks for pattern similarities", is wrong for this particular AI model. It is a hybrid approach.
  18. On the board for 24-25. It's white outside. 1.7" of mashed potatoes on the car rooftop
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