Hours and hours of mostly light to occasionally moderate rain yesterday with a few breaks in between. .70" in the bucket. A nice drink for the garden.
Toasty today, but not what I would consider brutal, we'll see about tomorrow.
1 rumble of thunder, 12 drops of rain. Steined again.
Nice little storms popped up on the sea breeze front in S. New London County....just a bit outside.
3 days in row with rain within a mile or so of the house.
Yep, cilantro has been crazy this year. Thai basil is okay but still small. Holy Basil and some Thai squash and pumpkins are what really need the heat. Holy Basil is barely bigger than when they sprouted 2+ weeks ago.
Finally some decent heat. A bunch of SE Asian veggies in the garden that only really grow well when the temps are hot. These ~75 and dry days don't really work well for them. Hopefully the warmer and more humid regime sticks around for a while.
We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming:
We're sorry to inform you that your regularly scheduled summer weather has been preempted by our "Autumn Testing Program"
Enjoy today's test of 59 degrees and sheet drizzle. Rest assured that your normal heat and dews programming will return soon.
Thankfully rain stayed away from eastern CT this afternoon so I could get a bike ride in. Nice and cool with a great tailwind on the way home.
Definitely not COC, but not a terrible day overall.
82/66. Deep blue sky with some fluffy white CU floating by. Summer!
Looks like the weekend will be somewhat decent. Moderate temps with a chance of showers. As long as it's not a rain-out I'm good.
Pleasant morning waking up to rumbles of thunder @ 4:45am. Nice drink for the garden. Round 2 later this morning?
Should be another fantastic afternoon.
Dry begets dry?
Round 1 today was about 12 drops of rain. Round 2 just came through with about 20 drops of rain. Echoes just drying up as they reach New London county. Let's see if round 3 can bring any real rain overnight.
Made it up to 66 earlier. Now down to 58/46 after the 12 drops of rain we had. Gloomy, cool walk through the woods with the doggo after work. This is no way to run a COC or a TORCH.